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I love you.


When I woke up, I saw George already sitting beside me.


"Yes?" I say, a bit of sadness was heard in my voice.

"What happened?" He asked.

"I wanted to get over him. So...- wait. Promise me you won't tell anything to Sapnap."

"I promise I won't." He said, I nodded.

"Soo, I went to the bar, And got drunk. I wanted to feel happy, and not just broken, like I always do when I'm not with him. I met a guy, in his 40's, He took me home and-" a tear ran down my face, my voice became more quieter, I wiped the tear away and continued. " so he took me home and. Uhm. He undressed me and , basically raped me. I didn't want it anymore. He invited me and I said yes, but when he, he started it, I suddenly became sad and.. yeah. I didn't want it anymore at all. But he did it anyway."

George looked at me, and hugged me.
"I'm so sorry Karl."

"It's okay, I want to be alone... Please go home."

"Of course, I'm a phone call away if you need me." He said.

I thanked him and he went home, I curled into a ball and cried. I miss him. A lot.

I got up and went to my closet.
I digged around and after a while I found the first hoodie he gave me, on the first day he spent at my house.
It was huge, it smelled like him. I hugged myself and I sat on the floor. My phone began to ring and I picked it up without looking at who's calling me, idontcare.

"Karl." I heard his voice through my phone.

"What do you want Sapnap!"

"I want you back Karl. I miss you, so much, I made a mistake and I fucking regret it. Please Karl, please baby, I want you back, I need you back." He said.


"George told me what happened and I want to protect you, I want to hold you as you cry and I want to be there for you. I know he promised that he won't tell me, but I just needed to know. I need to know everything you do. I know everything you do.
You're wearing my hoodie. Aren't you?"

"You're hugging yourself as you think about us."

"I'm wearing it, yes." I say, more like cry out. "Come over Sapnap. I want you back." I cry harder.

He hangs up.

"Mom!!" I shout.

"Yes honey?" She enteres my room.

"He's coming over. I want him back."

"I'm happy for you, I'm sure he won't let you leave now." She smiled at me reassuringly, then leaves my room and goes downstairs.

I sit there still, crying and breathing heavily.

I hear the front door closing then someone running up the stairs. My door bursts open and I see him. He's here. He hugs me and picks me up.
"I missed you so much." He hugs me tighter

"I'm sorry for leaving you" I cried.
"I'm sorry for letting you leave. I'm sorry for being an idiot."
I hug his neck thigly, and I kiss his cheek.

"It's okay, I won't go anywhere, I promise. I won't let you leave either. I won't do anything stupid anymore and I promise to always be with you."

I cry into his chest for a bit until he puts me down.

He bends down, and kisses me. I wrap my hands around his neck and kiss back.

We part then go downstairs to talk to my mom. We sit down on the couch and he places one of his hands on my thigh.

I told both my mom and Sapnap that I don't want to go to college, and just start working in a café or something.

They didn't judge me, they tried to help as best as they could.
"I still want to take you to senior prom." Sap said.

"Oh. Okay, we can go to prom." I smiled.

After a while of talking me and and Sapnap went upstairs to watch movies.

We watched corpse bride.

Throughout the movie there was a lot of kissing, cuddling and hugging. He was always touching me, like, his hands never left my body.

I took my hoodie off because it was too hot and I wanted to change, I got up and threw the hoodie on my bed besides Sapnap, I took my Dino necklace off in like what? A week for the first time, and as I was about to put on a shirt, I noticed Sapnap staring at me.

"Nothing, I just missed you." He said. His voice was sweet and inviting.

"I missed you too." I say, then i put on a shirt, I sit on his lap and start kissing his neck.
"I missed you a lot." I whisper "I missed your hands pulling my hair and I missed you choking me."

He just smiles and Kisses my forehead, he hugs me tightly, I do the same. He starts playing with my long brown hair and I just lay there on top of him, enjoying it.

"Yes love?."

"I love the way you take care of me,and i love the way you calm me down, if you know what I mean." I giggle.

"I know what you mean, Karl."

"Hah. Really?"

"Yes" he makes me sit up "I always know what you want, I always know what you need." He pecked my lips.

"Ofcourse you do." I giggle.

"Prom is in two days, don't forget that" he said

"I'll ask George if we can go shopping together." I said.

"Good idea, I'll ask dream." He smiled "I'm gonna get something special for you."

"Aww, that's so sweet Sap. Thank you."

"Ofcourse, you deserve the best, my love! I have to go home now though, is that okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, it's okay." I said, we both got up and went downstairs. He said bye to my mom, and then we walked outside, he stopped on the porch and looked at me.


"You're so pretty." He said.

"Thank you." I pull him towards me by his hand and got on my tiptoes.
"I think you're really pretty aswell." I kiss him then, he kisses back , he wraps both of his arms around my waist and picks me up. He kisses my forehead for the last time and let's go of me.
"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too."

With that, he left.


 daddy issues. // karlnap Where stories live. Discover now