•Chapter 3•

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I sat on a couch in my living room, exhausted.
I worked as a life guard in a neighborhood pool.
Sometimes I don't go at all for an entire week, sometimes I go for the whole week. It was my choice.

"Why do you work when you have half a million as your monthly allowance?" people ask me.

Well, I can't just roam the world like some jobless soul.

It was boring doing nothing, so I decided to look for things I could use my life for, like working at some random pool and flexing my sweet muscles and toned abs.
I also had to coordinate my school's basketball team too, while keeping my grades on a reasonable level.

Each day was stressful and I needed to relax. I knew just what I had to do. It wasn't what I wanted and I didn't do it often but I needed it.

I reached out and grabbed my phone from a side table.
Then I called someone.

"Hey, Trevor. You busy?" I asked.

"Well...no, why?"

"Do you wanna go out somewhere?"

"Mmm...sounds cool. Where we going? I don't know much places. Only the school, my house...a few shops."

"You serious? You don't step out of your house or what?"

"I'm new to the state."


"Yeahhh...plus I don't like coming out much. Especially during the day."

"Dude, what're you a vampire or something?"

Trevor laughed.

"I wish. Wait, no I don't wish that. So, where're we going to?"

"It's a bar I normally like going to. It's called Davie's. You might have trouble finding it so you know what? Meet me at my house and we'll drive there."

"Cool. Send me your address."

"I will. Oh, and by the way, my sister's gonna be there."


"We usually go there together so..."

"I see. No problem. I'll be at your house in a few minutes."

He hung up.
I sent him the address.

"Lex!" I yelled.

She ambled down the stairs with a scowl on her face. "What?"

"I'm bored and stressed so... I wanted to go to Davie's this evening to-"
"Oh! why didn't you tell me sooner? I'll be right back."

I blinked.

After she left, I stood up and stretched.
I felt a light breeze flow into the room from the open door of the veranda.

I strolled to the rail and leaned on it.

For years this was how it has always been. I go to school, I go to work, go to the gym, occasionally the country club and on vacation. Most days it's just school, work, get home, repeat.

I feel there's something incomplete about my life.

I know it seems pretty selfish saying that. I know I have a lot of things that some people might never get and I'm probably envied but I feel there's something missing, something I need. Though, I feel I can live without it but I want to see how it would be if I gave it a try. It was confusing.

Apart from my family, there's really no other person I could say was close to me, as a friend at least. My fellow jocks or the girls who always swoon over me don't even count.

Go ahead and ask them if they know anything about me and the only thing they'll tell you is my name, how I look or something related to some sport I play.

But it was my fault.

I've always seemed like I'm a bold, confident, tough dude.

If I got any friendlier, it'll seem like I was getting weaker and I didn't want that.

Some people tell me having friends is worth it and it doesn't make you seem weak. They say if you keep friends, it meant you were strong.

My dad, he tells me to always surround myself with rich people. He's the part owner of a football club so he's pretty rich and he's always confident.
He wants me to imitate his aloof behaviour and I always have, even with rich people around.

It's all mixed up in my head.
I gonna run mad listening to everybody's opinions and I think I should just listen to my self.

I think I need to give people a chance. This Trevor guy, we have stuff in common so I wanted to give him a shot. I didn't want to go ahead and start befriending people at my school cuz they're very much aware of my personality so that'll just be weird.

I did talk to people everyday. My jock mates, a few girls, some random people. But when they want to get to close, I shut them out.
And then they feel I'm rude and cocky, which I kinda am, so they just leave me alone.

That was how everyone in school saw me, Alexis Scott, the rich, hot, snobby dude.

I've dated a few girls from school due to some sort of pressure but it never worked out. I've never even liked anyone that much.

But I wanted to see what it would feel like to have someone that close to you besides family.

That's why I think the fact that Trevor just came newly to the state is really fortunate. I dunno how to be a normal friendly human being so I'm hoping he can teach me.

I looked over the railing and scanned the backyard. It's a pretty amazing view. The sun was setting and the sky turned to a mixture of purple and ginger. It was nice seeing it. I mean, it wasn't everyday the sky decided to be beautiful. I could see the moon peeking out from the few clouds that were left.

The veranda is my favourite place to stay in the entire house. It has two small couches and a small round table overlooking the swimming pool down below. Wasn't that just perfect for a date? But besides that, the place was always breezy and the atmosphere was calming.

I decided to go downstairs to wait for Trevor.

I pushed myself off the rail and a sudden flash of blue light flickered on my right arm and went of instantly.
"Lex!" I yelled immediately, "Stop doing that."

"Doing what?" she asked as she walked down the stairs.

I walked back into the living room.

"Uh..." I looked back at my arm and then at her, "nothing. Never mind."

"Okay, weird," she said, "are you ready?"
The living room door opened and a security guy came in.

"Mr Alex, a young man outside says he and you have an appointment this evening."

I nodded slowly.
"...come on Lex."

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