•Chapter 25•

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Torture of fear
It's scary and my heart is twisted into a tight knot...

It pierces through me but there's nothing I can do about the prick...

I'm left there to maybe to die, decompose and to rot...

And there's nothing I can do cause I'm rooted like a stick...

I'm slowly fading and I'm forcing myself to think that I'm not...

Vision of the past
A trip to the past has always been my biggest fear

It drains all my spirit, my endurance and leaves me wasted

It leaves me in pain I wish I could bear

It whispers to me all I always craved to know, all I always wanted

But I know the past is evil, it tells me what I'm not supposed to hear.

Caged in you
I look in the mirror hoping to see my face

Searching my thoughts trying to find my fate

Thinking of giving it all away, I don't trust my own heart

I'm locked with the chains waiting to play my own part

You picked me up and loved me and you tried to restore me

Then you left me in the dark and you left me hazy

You looked me in face and you told me that you hate me

Now I'm clawing at the chains begging for your mercy...

A drop of water landed in the middle of the page with a tiny splash.

I closed the book shut with a huge force and wiped my eyes with the back of my hand.
No, no, no.

I didn't want more of this.

I needed to run away from it.

And the influence of the shadow spirit just made it worse, harder to escape.
I tried in futility to stop the tears from flowing.

I desperately needed to run away from myself.

I sat on the grass at my backyard wearily in my grey sweatshirt and sweatpants. My parents and my brother were inside the house.

A few hours ago, I was sitting in my room by my reading table.

I decided to write poems there and think for a while. But I felt I was always cooped up in there and I was always surrounded by darkness and shadows.

I spent so much time with the spirit of shadow and I got better at using the powers.

I could create darkness anywhere I wanted. I suspected that I could make the sunniest weather dull as hell, but I was too scared to try something I couldn't handle.

The scariest part was the fact that with the waves of darkness, I could kill plants.

I just had to control the darkness around the region I wanted and all the plants on that area would turn black and limp.

I was scared of trying it on human beings so I never did.

I wondered why a spirit of Reina could cause death and damage. Wasn't Reina supposed to be a good kingdom?

Anyway, I got tired of always being around shadows and darkness so I decided to take my poem journal outside and write there.

It helped a bit but I still felt that hint of darkness and...I still cried.

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