•Chapter 29•

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I found myself bobbing up and down in a water body when I regained consciousness.

I was drained and I couldn't move a part of my body. I zoned in and out of consciousness for some time, feeling myself moving each time I was awake.

I was finally pushed out of the water by its currents and saw myself on dry soil.

I had regained an iota of strength and I managed to sit up.

I looked around me and realized I was in a forest.
I sucked in a sharp breath.

The leaves on the tree were neon green and luminous like it's veins were tiny glow sticks.

And these were the same trees I saw in my head before I disappeared from home.
What the hell was going on?

"Lex!" I yelled into the forest.

I couldn't even hear a sound. It was like the world around me was muted.

I turned to the river behind me and noticed it was unusually quiet and still.
I stood up shakily and walked over to a tree.

Just like it's neighbours, the trunk and the branches were beige in colour and as smooth as wax.

I reached for the trunk with a hand and as soon as my palm touched the silk stem, I felt a surge of  magic flow into me.

I was startled for a moment and withdrew my hand but I regained composure soon and felt around my body.

I felt energised. My limbs felt less heavy and my head wasn't woozy anymore.

I looked up at the tree and I instinctively reached for a glowing leaf but as my finger touched one it detached itself from the branch holding it and fell to the ground with a hiss.

I stepped back and watched it disentigrate.
It's tiny green particles rose up and spread all around me.

As soon as I caught a whiff, I stumbled.
"Woah..." I muttered, staggering.

I felt light headed and had a sudden desire to drop to the ground and take a nap but I focused on an image forming in my mind.
I had a vague image of the garden close to the Prince's house in my mind.

My eyes started to feel heavy and I dropped to the dusty ground with a heavy thump, still picturing the garden in my head.

My eyes shut and I blacked out but this time, luckily, I woke up in the garden.

"I think he's awake," a male voice said above me.

"You think?" a smaller female voice said.
She sounded far away.

"Well, his eyes are kinda open and he's looking at my like I'm a snack so..."

"Alex!" I head my sister's voice shriek.

I heard footsteps run towards me.

I opened my eyes slowly and saw their worried faces staring down at me.

"Alex?" Trevor said and waved his hand in front of my face.

I swatted it away and sat up.

They all moved backwards.
They were all complete...except Lucy.

"I'm fine," I said.

"Where were you?" Maddie asked looking skeptical.

"Alexa told us something possessed you and you blacked out, teleporting to an unknown location at the same time," Tanya said.

I raised my brow at her.

"Tell me that's not true," Lex said, folding her arms.

I sighed and then explained everything that happened.

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