•Chapter 27•

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"Dude, why are you guys sitting on the floor? Don't tell me were sitting on the floor. They're enough benches around here," Trevor said walking towards us with his sister behind him.

They both had frowns on their faces and Trevor had dark circles under his eyes.

Tanya wasn't talking, which was unusual.

"Don't tell me sitting on the floor would be the weirdest thing that has happened to you this week," I said.

Trevor's lips pulled into a thin line.

I noticed he hadn't said anything funny since he started talking.

Trevor walked until he stood in front of us.

"Besides, no one's around," I pointed out.
Trevor sighed, sat beside me and looked around.

"Mmm,"  he mummured.

"You okay?" I asked.

He raised a brow at me and then lowered it.
Tanya sat in front of us.

"Hey," was all she said.

I nodded at her and she looked down at the ground.

I looked back and forth between them.
"Are you guys okay?" I asked.

Just then Maddie arrived. "Hey guys..." she chirped, halting as soon as she saw us. "Why are you sitting on the ground?"

"That's what I said," Trevor said. "Hi Maddie."
He gave her a forced smile.

Maddie smiled back at him then frowned.
"Hey, Trevor. Are you alright?"
He looked up at her, silent.

We heard footsteps coming from behind us.
Soon, Lucy appeared.

"Sorry, am...I...late?" she panted, dropping to the ground heavily with a thud.

"No. You're just in time," Maddie said.

She was about saying something but then she changed her mind, sighed and sat down on the floor with the rest of us.

Lucy was already on the floor so...we were all complete.
Then I started talking.

"I hope you guys are all aware that we're leaving tomorrow," I said.

All except Lucy nodded.

"Wait. What are we even doing and where are we even going?"
I sighed.

"I wanted us to go to each kingdom and explore everywhere."

"Why?" she asked like I just said we were flying to Saturn to tap dance around its rings.

"Because I feel like it. Any more questions?" I asked, my lips stretching into a thin line.

She obviously didn't get the hint because she kept talking.

"You can't just decide to do something crazy and irresponsible like that Alexis, just because you feel like it," he said mimicking me.

My face scrunched up as I scowled at her.

I hated when she used my full name.

"Now, tell me what is irresponsible about going to magical kingdoms and just exploring the place?" I asked.

"Um...actually a lot of things," Trevor mummured from beside me.
I glanced at him.

"Dude, not helping," I said.

Lucy shook her head in something that looked like disappointment.
Then pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes at me.

"Horei or maybe Reina might not be a problem but what if we meet someone dangerous in Shu? It's literally the kingdom of death.

Chang said people of Shu can detect a spirit of Reina. What if we wonder beyond the forests and they find us or we fall into their waters like you and Alexa did and Chang isn't there to heal us?"

"What's your problem? Everybody else agreed to the plan. You're the only person who's gonna look for something to say or point out the downside of everything. What in this world isn't a risk? Tell me!" I fumed.

"Yeah, I agree everything we do is a risk. But what your doing has exceeded from just the mortal world. You know how this place works. You can easily get out of danger or at least find some solution to something.

But where you want to go is some place totally different. It's magical. You're not used to it. It's not like some sport game or some test that you know your way around. Don't you...I don't know, use your brain sometimes?"

I glared at her.

"You know, I didn't actually beg anyone to come on this thing with me. I was still going to go anyway, alone or not. If you don't want to come, your choice. We don't really need you anyway."

I was done arguing with that girl.

"Fine then. I won't come. If anything happens...don't forget I told you so. Have fun on your stupid trip," she snapped and got up.

"Lucy..." Maddie said.

Lucy looked at her. "Maddie, please be careful."

Then she stormed off.

I stared intensely at the ground.
"Alex..." my sister started.

"We leave tomorrow in the morning. We'll arrive in Horei first but we'll meet in the garden in front of Bru's palace before that," I said flatly and got to my feet.

"Dude...Alexis," Trevor began.
I glared at him.

He clamped his mouth shut and stared down.
I sighed heavily and walked off.

That argument was so...cringe

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