•Chapter 6•

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Lucy and I sat on a table for two beside the wall. The lights above us glowed in a dim purple colour like the rest of the lights at Davie's. The rest of the bar was sprawled with similar tables, but some were a three, four or five sitter.

The tables were round with three legs and the chairs were stools.

Behind the counter, a young guy, possibly eighteen or nineteen, stood there taking orders from the waiter and relaying the information to the other workers. He had a glass of wine in his hands which he sipped regularly.

I learnt he was Carl.

Lucy and I were chatting.
"Nope," I told her, "You're way different than I expected."

"Wait. So, just because I wear all black you think I'm like the living dead or something?" she said.

"It's just a stereotype thing," I answered with a laugh.

"People often look at me like there's something wrong with me 'cuz I act all emo and stuff."

"Well, have you ever tried to talk to those people before?" No reply. "Exactly. That's why they'll still keep thinking like that. It's totally human perception. They don't know who you really are until they get to know you."

"So, lemme guess, you had a lot of friends at your old school?"

"Yeah..." I sighed, "a lot. I'd love to make more here. I don't really care who you are as long as you're friendly. Though, I think friendships are not accidental. They happen for a reason."

"The way we met was definitely accidental."

I laughed and then paused.

"Wait, are you saying we're friends?"

She looked at me for a moment then shrugged. "What does the word 'friend' even mean?"

There she goes. Lucy was like that. I mean, for a girl in her appearance she was chatty and she smiled often, much to my surprise. She wasn't that dark and ghoulish like I thought at first, but the mindset of a goth, she definitely had.

The way I was seems a direct contrast to the way Lucy was. Though, it's like we're similar in a way.

I liked nature and animals and being positive a lot. People have always teased me about it but I didn't care and Lucy liked nature in her own way.

I had a bottle of soda and Lucy had a glass of wine.
I was still seventeen and I hadn't decided to start drinking yet. 

Lucy probably saw how uncomfortable I looked because she smirked at me.

"It's fine Maddie," she reassured. "Its just a glass."

"Mmhm." I took a sip from my bottle.
She gave me an amused grin.


The door to the bar opened and three people walked in.

Two guys and a girl.
One of the guys was light skinned black. He was tall and skinny. His hair was a curly mess of brown and he had matching brown eyes.
The second guy was pale and he had long brown hair that was drawn back and tied in a pony tail. I swear I'd seen him before. He was tall, muscular and so hot.

The girl looked exactly like the guy, I guessed they were siblings.

"Ugh. The Alex twins," Lucy mummured.
"The what now? You know them?"

"Of course. Don't you?...oh, I forgot that you're new. They go to our school. Everybody knows them." she said with a hint of contempt in her voice.

"They look-" I started.
"Rich, hot, confident, yeah I know."

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