•Chapter 26•

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It was during basketball practice that an idea flashed in my head.

Honestly, I was really stressed out these days.

I remember when I complained about my busy lifestyle. This spirit of Reina thing attached to my life is now making me disoriented.

I don't see things normal anymore and it's driving me crazy.
One time I was just walking along the street and suddenly everything turned slow.
Next thing...BAAM! I smacked into a wall.

I realized I was walking too fast and I hoped nobody saw when I hit the wall.

Over the past few days, I learnt to manage the speed and though I've not gotten perfect at it, I can be able to shift my perspective when I want to.

I started getting used to being a spirit of Reina over time.

But soon I wanted to know more about the place, more about the source of my weird powers.

It was Wednesday. We were having practice.
Trevor was in the opposite team.

The guy's teammates were also good like he was. Though, not as good as he.

They gave him accurate passes and coordinated pretty well. Trevor dribbled my teammates and bounced the ball under my open legs. Then he ran and dunked the ball in my net.

I breathed out in exhaustion and frustration.
The guy was good.

Every time he ran with the ball, it was like red lightening flashed around the edges of his body.

Trevor was better than me in basketball. He was better than the whole team and though I was a bit jealous, I was happy to have him on the school team.

Anyway, during practice I had an idea.

I thought since we could teleport to different kingdoms now, we could do it ourselves without Chang or Bru telling us.

I wanted to go round all the kingdoms and explore everywhere, just for fun.

I just suddenly felt like a child. I had that feeling that you get when you want to do something mischievous like toilet paper someone's house or sneak out of your house at night.

Though, my parents were never around to actually give us a curfew.

But still, you get what I mean.

My parents used to tell me that I was a hyperactive child. I was always running around touching things.

It was when I got into middle school that I had an interest in sports.
I played every popular sport that I knew of.
Soccer, tennis, basketball, volleyball.

In high school I tried out for almost every sport.
I couldn't play them all at once but I got into a couple of them.

I was selected to be the school's basketball team captain in eleventh grade and that year we won a competition for schools in the district.

Ever since, I've been the sportiest guy at my school.
Well...until Trevor came.

But he's just the best in basketball, though.

Still, he's now almost more popular than me.

Every girl is suddenly interested in talking to him and the guy was a huge flirt. He was even kind of good looking too and even with his tall, lean structure he was muscular.

After practice, I called Trevor aside and told him my plan.

"Well...first of all, that's a crazy plan," Trevor said. "But, I won't say I wasn't curious, you know. I mean, it would be a shame if we didn't go and explore the kingdoms."

"That's exactly what I thought! We have magic powers and we can teleport to all the kingdoms so why don't we explore them ourselves?!" I said.

"Yeah, it will be really cool but...won't it be like, dangerous?" he asked, sitting on a nearby beach to pull his shoes off.

"Well, it might be. But, if we encounter anything like that, it would be a good chance to use our powers," I told him. "Also, I call dibs on the shower."

He narrowed his eyes at me.

"And...what if we can't use our powers and some evil Shu monster attack us and we die?" He said like he was asking what would happen if he accidentally tripped on the ground and fell.

"By the way," he continued. "Whoever gets to he shower first gets to use it first."

Then he smirked, picked up his backpack with lightening speed and ran out of the locker room.

"Hey, Wait! We never got to finish our conversation! You didn't even tell me if you agreed–and...he's gone."

I sighed.

I needed to check up on that guy.

Anyway, after school I called him and finally coaxed him to come with me.

Then I told him to tell the others to see if they'd agree to join us.
If they didn't agree we'd go anyway.
We agreed that we'd go on Sunday.

On Friday, Trevor told me that he got Maddie to agree and she was going to ask Lucy.

I decided that we all should meet somewhere on Saturday and talk about it and Trevor spread the news.


I walked into Lex's room Saturday morning to check up on her.

She came home Friday evening looking jaded.

When I asked her what was up she told me that stuff happened which made her leave school during class and go to the mall.

Then she got curious and created a crazy storm around the area that she couldn't control or stop.

Eventually, she drained much of her energy by expending so much magic and slumped. I guess the rain stopped soon and sunlight came back.

She said she found herself hours later, lying on the ground, drained.

It was late afternoon when she awoke. Her phone was dead and she couldn't call anyone so she had to walk home.


What a day.

Anyways, I told her to rest for a couple hours and when she got her energy back, I told her to come over to the kitchen.

I told her all about the plan.

She was probably so exhausted that she just nodded to get me to stop talking.

Great, I thought.

Now we had everyone in...except Lucy and Tanya.
I hadn't asked Trevor if he told her yet.

But I trusted Tanya to agree once she heard the news. That girl was fierce.

Lex was doing better Saturday morning.
I told her we agreed to meet at the park.

She whined and complained that she wanted to go to this smoothie shop that was a bit far from Davie's.

I told her we'd already agreed to meet at the park and we couldn't just inconvenience everyone beacuse of her.

She couldn't always what she wanted and I felt guilty anytime she got something unfairly.

"Come on," I said practically dragging her out of the house.

"Where's the limo? Are we walking?" she asked wide-eyed like we were going all the way to the other side of the world.

"Mmhm," I said pulling her along.

As we walked to the park, I felt my legs moving of their own accord.

My pace increased with every step. At a point I'll almost start running but then I'll stop for a while and resume walking.

Controlling my speed was difficult. It was like I couldn't control my legs anymore.

It was a miracle that we finally reached the park without me slamming into any walls or falling face first on the sidewalk.

This idea, hmm Alexis...

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