•Chapter 11•

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I thought my old school was daunting.
Now I think I'd give anything to be back there hanging out with my friends Sarah and Charlotte. Even the cute senior, Henry, that I was always nervous of talking to. Whenever he was around, I was a nervous wreck.

Don't get me wrong. The people at Cedarwood were amazing. They're full of talent and life. Most of them are nice and I've made a couple friends already. I always worried about how the new school was going to be. So far, it turned out fine.

Well, until weird things started happening.
Now, I've met these people that I assume are now my friends.
They're talking about crazy stuff that I can't even make myself believe.
Still, I won't say that the incident that happened at Davie's wasn't real.

When I tripped and fell and my hands touched the ground, I had this brief moment of panic and suddenly I felt a tingling sensation course through my body. Plants started sprouting and tangling around my arms.
When Trevor came over to help, his arms started smoking and the tingling stopped.
I was too started to think clearly about it. I shifted my focus to Trevor and what he did like what happened to me didn't happen.

If I was alone and this happened, I would definitely be scared. But all these people I just met had similar problems. I know they're scared about it too but at least they're trying to make sense of it.
Somehow, I feel a connection to them. Because, why was it this same group of people I coincidentally met at that warehouse? Why were we all having strange personal occurrences?

Even at the warehouse, that weird man called us 'Spirits of Reina.' I have no idea what that meant but it just sort of proves that were all connected somehow. I just have an inkling that were meant to be friends.

It was crazy, but it kind of made sense. At this point, I just wanted to see where it will all lead too.

I came to school nervous.
The night before was crazy, I don't even want to talk about it.
I lied to my mum that since the rain was heavy, I stayed at Lucy's 'til it calmed down. Well, it was true to a degree.

When I arrived at school, I met Lucy.

During lunch, we both sat together, talking about what happened in the warehouse. While we talked, I saw Alexa walk past us and sit at a table nearby.

I looked over and saw her and Alexis talking to Trevor. They were probably talking about what happened yesterday.
After a while, I decided to walk over.

When I arrived at their table, Trevor was talking about something.
We sat down and listened to him. We even shared stories.

From everything we gathered, Alexis, Trevor, Lucy and I all had weird stuff happening to us. Alexa seemed to be the only person who wasn't affected.

She refused to believe any of it. She just made up her mind that we were all crazy. I didn't blame her.

Still, all those things actually happened. Especially the one at the warehouse. You couldn't deny it. I didn't want to believe it but I had too.
She had too.

Anyway, when Alexa left, Trevor looked around at all of us and asked.
"So what now?"

Then we all vanished.


I saw myself on the ground.
I stood up to realize that I was in a forest. I dusted myself.

I was wearing jeans and a t-shirt that were now dusty.
I looked around.
I couldn't see anyone.
Why the heck was I in the middle of the woods?

"Guys!" I yelled.
"Trevor, Lucy, Alexis? Alexa!"

Suddenly the ground beneath me moved.
I yelped and moved away.
To my surprise, Alexis dug himself out of the earth, coughing and sputtering.

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