Chapter 1

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This was your final year at Hogwarts and so far it had been pretty plain sailing if you did say so yourself. You were set for straight A's in all your classes and had managed to stay out of trouble with pretty much everyone at Hogwarts.
Even tough you were in Slitherin you didn't stop yourself from being friends with students in the other houses, unlike Draco on the other hand. In particular, you had become the closest of friends with Ron Weasley, you even classed him as a brother, but everyone else liked to believe you were both secretly an item. Which, of course, you weren't.

"Turn to page 394." Snape instructed his Defence against the Dark Arts class, you being a pupil in this lesson. The sound of pages turning filled the other wise silent classroom as the processor walked up and down between the rows of students intimidatingly tall.

"Hey, y/n, what do you think the dungeon bat would do if I cast a spell on him?" Ron whispered and chuckled at you. Snape stopped in his tracks, head turning round slightly in your direction to the back of the classroom.

"Ron, shh, you know he can hear us, right?" Your eyes lifting from your book to Snapes general direction, your voice barely audible. 

"Come on, lighten up a bit. It's only a joke." The ginger retracted. "Besides, it would only backfire on me anyway." Ron lifted up his broken wand and gagged recalling what happened the last time he tried that.

"Again? What did you do this time?" You rolled your eyes at the sorry sight of his wand.

"Sat on it, didn't I." He snickered with embarrassment.

"Mr. Weasley, I suggest you focus on the lesson before I make you use that snapped twig of yours. A certain spell containing slugs comes to mind." His monotone voice bellowed through the classroom earning a few laughs from the rest of the class and another gag from your friend. "10 points from Griffindor." Ron and his fellow Griffindors groaned to which Snape sent them a harsh glare.

"Y-yes, professor." The ginger boy sank down in his chair.

"See, told you he could hear." You chuckled, nudging his arm. "And, for the record, if you did use a spell on Snape, you might as well Avada Kedavra yourself." You joked as your gaze fell back to your professor, a small smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth which was barely noticeable and vanished within an instant but you saw it.

Something about Snape pulled you towards him and always had really ever since you began at Hogwarts. A feeling that burned inside and no matter how hard you tried to snuff the flame it would relight burning stronger than before. You couldn't deny his looks which most perceived odd but you found undeniably handsome. But more than that, you always felt that under his hard exterior there was a kinder man, possibly a broken one, you could see the saddens in his eyes. And you craved to touch him and possibly fix the professor who held sorrow behind his stern face.

"Miss, y/l/n," Snape started, "see me after class."

"W-why?" Confusion prominent in your voice as the rest of the class looked between the two of you, equally confused.

"Not another word." Snape spun on his heel facing the front of the classroom leaving nothing but Ron giving you a sympathetic look and you to contemplate what happened for the rest of the lesson.

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