Chapter 7

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Your tear-stained face drew Ron's attention as he rounded the corner of the Hogwarts corridor. Concern etched his features as he approached you.

"Y/n, what happened?" Ron asked, his voice laced with worry.

You hiccuped and wiped your cheeks, struggling to form the words. "Ron, it's Severus," you choked out. Ron watched you with a pained expression, his heart aching as he listened to the shattered words spill from your lips. "I-I can't believe it, Ron," you hiccuped. "We kissed! Severus and I shared a moment, and I thought... I thought he felt something. But it was all a lie." Your voice trembled with heartbreak.

Ron's brows furrowed in sadness knowing that you had a soft spot for the brooding potions master, but this revelation stung like a well-aimed stunner. He took a deep breath, fighting back his own emotions as he tried to console you. "That slimy git! How could he do this to you, y/n?"

You wiped away your tears, a mix of determination and sadness in your eyes. "I don't know, Ron," you nodded weakly, your sobs subsiding slightly. "I... I thought he was different. I thought he felt something too." You let out a broken laugh, tinged with bitterness. "But clearly - I was wrong."

Ron's expression softened, and he reached out to envelop you in a comforting hug. "This is my fault. I shouldn't have told you to put yourself out there like that."

"No, it's mine for believing that someone as perfect as him could ever be interested in someone as plain as me." You sighed, steadying your breath as your tears slowed, breaking away from Ron's embrace.

"Come on. Let's go get breakfast." Ron started to lead you towards the great hall.

"I think I just need to go to my dorm and be alone right now. I'm not even hungry."

"Are you sure? I can sneak some food out for you?"

"Okay. Thank you." You smiled lightly and walked off.

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