Chapter 20

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The dim light of the candle flickered within the heart of Severus Snape's chamber, casting shadows that danced on the stone walls like wraiths, each flitting by and whispering secrets of the forthcoming storm. You sat uncomfortably on the armchair, your pulse beating loudly in your ears, like a drum resonating your forboding fear throughout the silence of the room, you held a fearful vigil. You absently filled and refilled your hands in your oversized sweater, heart aching at the sight of the gentle curve of your baby bump beneath it. Love and fear played at your heart. Being entrusted with a precious life that belonged just as much to the solemn man standing in front of the fireplace as it did to you, was both a blessing and a curse. You worried for your unborn child.

Yet, the circumstance was grimmer than ever - Suddenly, a chill ran through the room, a deadly whisper that was known all too well, a summon from the Death Eaters. Snape stiffened, his usually inscrutable face paling at the precise second the Dark Mark on his arm glowed a sinister green.

"You have been summoned, Severus?" You questioned, voice nothing more than a shaky whisper. The words bounced off the room, resonating a dreadful echo that confirmed your fears and your heart dropped.

Snape, standing against the darkened fireplace, nodded absentmindedly. His heart pounded fiercely against his chest, a harsh reminder of the danger he was being summoned into. Each time had the potential to spell danger, or worse, death. Now, with you carrying his child, the threat felt deeper and more personal.

"Severus," you uttered, your fingers instinctively wrapping around your growing stomach, the fear in your eyes was luminous. "You cannot mustn't..."

Your plea for his safety remained uncompleted, choked by the fear that sought to strangle your courage. You searched his face, your heart aching with fear for the man you loved and the child you had created. But looking at Severus, seeing the determination sharp in his eyes and feeling the firm, warm grip of his hand steadying yours, you mustered a small, shaky nod. Snape, looking at you with an unspoken promise in his eyes, wordlessly moved, kneeling in front of you. He gently took your trembling hands into his, a silent proclamation of his resolve.

"Y/n, you must trust me," Snape finally said painstakingly. His voice, usually devoid of emotion, now trembled with quiet resolution. "Our my priority." He implored, "I have planned for this. I have anticipated every possible scenario. As long as I stand, nothing shall harm you or our child."

"But you believe they know you are a traitor." Your voice shaking.

"Like I said, I have planned for every situation."

You looked back at him, heart tethered between hope and doom. The fear for his safety and that of your unborn child, yet in his eyes, you saw an ironclad resolve. It gave you courage, enough to nod in agreement. Snape stood, smiled and kissed you on the head before making his way to the door. He looked back for a second, gazing at you, his beloved,  and your unborn child, a symbol of your love in a world filled with hatred and chaos. His decision was clear; he would fight or he would die trying. He would protect his family at all costs.

The chamber door creaked shut behind him, leaving you alone in the dim light of the flickering candle. Your heart heavy with fear, the trepidation set in. But so did an unshakeable faith in Snape. He had something to fight for, and he would not cease until their world was free from the looming darkness.

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