Chapter 21

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The icy tendrils of silence prickled through Severus Snape's chamber, where you sat huddled in the corner, still sat on the arm chair. You held a hardbound novel in your hands, your lifeline to sanity in the harsh reality you found yourself in - hoping to relieve your anxiety that was fixated on your Severus Snape, the man who was now thrust into the jaws of the Death Eaters gathering. It was a duty fraught with peril, a game of snakes and ladders where only vipers reigned. In his absence, the chamber seemed even bleaker, every passing minute amplifying your mounting fear. You realised by now you had been reading the words of the novel without any of them even sinking in and couldn't remember what you had even read, your mind clearly couldn't be distracted.

Unable to sit still any longer, you stood up and began to read aloud, letting the comforting cadence of the words soothe your anxious mind, and perhaps, reach your unborn child as you panicked your anxiety would be felt by that of your baby. The characters in this book battled their own trials, and as you traced their journeys, you found a strange form of solidarity.

Suddenly, a deafening blast cut through your soothing routine. It was as if the grounds of Hogwarts itself shivered under the force. Your heart thumped in your chest, the book forgotten, falling to the floor. A second crash echoed through the air, the bumpy cobblestones of the castle trembling as if in foreboding anticipation.

"Hogwarts is under attack," the realization washed over you as a chilling night tide. Fear consumed you, shuddering through your body as you clutched protectively at your swollen belly.

Your mind was spinning from the terrifying revelation. For a surreal moment, you felt detached from your body, watching the scene like an outsider as a dizzying swirl of panic and worry for your unborn child, for your beloved Severus and for the fate of Hogwarts, plagued you.

The chilling echoes of the invasion grew louder, making the surroundings of Severus Snape's chambers vibrate with untold dread. It was in this chaos that you found yourself alone, the reality of the imminent danger hitting hard. But as terror gnawed at you, an unexpected ray of hope emerged in the form of loud, urgent footsteps. The doors to Severus Snape's chamber burst open, and Albus Dumbledore strode in. His towering presence felt like a beacon of hope, a fortress against the seeping terror. The wise headmaster, in his royal blue robe, was the epitome of calm amidst the storm.

"Miss y/l/n," he called urgently, his blue eyes twinkling with a seriousness that was seldom seen. "Severus informed me of the contingency plan if Hogwarts was ever attacked. We need to move you to safety immediately."

You were too stunned to find a coherent response so you merely nodded in agreement. With a swift movement, Dumbledore conjured a protective charm around you both. You could feel the immediate change; the room felt more secure, the scars of the ongoing attack seemed a little less threatening. You clung onto your swollen belly instinctively, the relief flowing over you in waves as Dumbledore moved towards you.

The headmaster, despite the dire circumstances, gave you a warm smile, bolstering a wavering courage. "Quickly, this way!" He guided you towards a concealed exit in the room, explaining Severus' instructions. "We must move."

As you crept through the passages, a silent tear slip down your cheek. But you knew that you needed to believe in your trust. Trust in the man who had come to your aid, trust in the man you loved who was confronting the shadows, and trust in the love that had birthed new life within you.

The stony walls of the concealed passageway seemed to pulsate ominously with shadows, reflecting the turmoil embroiling the castle outside. The usual warmth and magic of Hogwarts transformed into a dreadful palpitation of imminent conflict, the ground echoing with the thunderous clashes of magic attacking the school.

Dumbledore led the way swiftly, his intricate magical aura illuminating the way through the shadow-coated tunnel. "Follow me closely." He  instructed calmly, his voice echoing as a rock of stability amongst the uncertainty. His presence was a comforting balm to the terror gnawing at the edges of your mind. He seemed to know the way instinctively, every turn, every gnarled root he skillfully navigated further assured you of your decision to trust him.

Finally, you stumbled upon your destination. It was a hidden room, enriched with protective charms that shimmered faintly in the corner.
Dumbledore held the door open for you, a gentle nod indicating you to enter. He assured you, "You're safe here, Miss y/l/n. Under the cloak of these charms and spells, you and your child are invisible to the enemies outside."

You moved into the room, your every sense registering the safety within its stone confines. You gave the headmaster a nod of gratitude as Dumbledore assured you of your safety.
But what caught your attention was the peaceful tranquility it resonated amidst the chaos. In here there was no sound of attack, it was a sanctuary draped in a silence that seemed untouched by the invasion outside.

As you settled into your temporary sanctuary, you cast one last glance at Dumbledore before he closed the door, your lips moving in a silent whisper of thanks. You had been ushered through the gale, guided by a beacon of wisdom and now, cloaked in safety. The journey was far from over, but at least, for now, you were safe. But could the same be said about Severus? You tried to reach him with your mind.

Severus, please, I need to know you're okay.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2023 ⏰

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