Chapter 4

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Ron's words span round your head as you were picking out an outfit to wear for dinner.

"Tonight, when we go for food in the great hall, wear something that he wouldn't be able to resist you in."

Holding up a black dress you shook your head and dismissed the idea. It was just dinner in the great hall. The place you eat all of your meals every day. Today is no different. And Ron's idea was completely mad anyway, not only would you get Snape's attention, you would also get the attention of everyone else in the hall. And you weren't sure that the attention would be good from either party. But there was a slight nagging in your head a what if he does like me? That you just couldn't shake. It was time to be brave. So, you settled on your little black dress that was very low cut and showed off your body and put on makeup. You had to admit, you looked hot. By the time you were done you realised the time and that you were running late. Putting on some black chunky boots and taking one last glance in the mirror, you ran out of the door and to the entrance of the great hall.

You could already hear the loud chattering from behind the door and with a deep breath you opened the door and started walking in. Well more like sneaking in. But heads were turning to see who the late arrival was and when they realised what you were wearing their gaze didn't leave you. Some giggled and pointed and others stared in awe of your beauty. By now, the hall was pretty much silent with all eyes on you as you gathered the confidence and smiled at those you walked past on your way to sit next to Ron. Who had rather coincidentally placed himself right at the other side of the hall, closest to Snape. You cursed at him under your breath. You dared yourself to look up at Snape who was staring at you, lips parted and eyes wide moving up and down your body until his eyes settled on yours. They almost looked lustful.

Someone likes the view. At least, I hope.

You finally got to your seat next to Ron whose mouth was wide open. "Blimey, y/n."

"What?" You giggled, flicking your y/h/l y/h/c hair and batting your eye lashes still hoping to please Snape whose gaze was still on you.

"I didn't think you would actually do it. Got some balls on you." He chuckled.

"Do I look okay?" You whispered.

"Gross. I'm not commenting on your body."

You laughed loudly in a flirtatious way, looking over in Snape's direction.

"And whatever that was needs to stop. You're freaking me out." Ron shuffled in his chair.

"I'm sorry. It was your idea after all." You laughed nervously. "Is he still looking?"

Ron craned his neck to look at Snape.

"Don't make it that obvious!"

"Yes. Yes he is. I think he's mentally undressing you." Ron gagged. "He's definitely into you."

"You think?" A smile spreading onto your face. "I hope so."

"Just eat your food y/n." Ron laughed.

I know you're listening, Severus.
You know I like you and clearly I'm more than eager to show you just how much. If you feel even a slither of anything, meet me at the tower after dinner.

You gave him a knowing look and got on with eating.

Crave (Severus Snape x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt