Chapter 16

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Students will be students and unfortunately with that came rumours. And rumours did what rumours did best, they spread like wild fire.
And you, y/n, were the topic of this specific rumour, and the rumour being that you were pregnant. News of you running out of class to be sick for weeks on end had caused quite the stir, especially when Professor Severus Snape rushed to your aid almost every time, well either him or Ron Weasley. So, of course, then came the speculation of who the father was, adding a layer of tension to the already complicated situation. You and Severus had tried your hardest to keep your relationship and your baby a secret, but the truth always had a way of finding it's way to the surface.

One afternoon, as the students gathered between classes, gossip swirled in hushed tones. The conversation obviously being about your pregnancy had reached a crescendo, leaving the Hogwarts population abuzz with curiosity. Ron Weasley, typically good-natured but occasionally prone to blurting out the wrong thing, found himself in the middle of it all.

"Hey, Ginny," Ron said, leaning casually against a wall as he chatted with his younger sister.

"Did you hear? Y/n is pregnant!"

"No way! What? Really? I had no idea!" Ron said with a look of suspicion on his face and his voice definitely giving away that he knew everything.

"She's your closest friend, Ron. How could you not have heard?" She asked, sensing he knew something as a mischievous smile tugged at the corners of her mouth.

"I mean, I might have heard something." He tried. "But it's just a rumour."

"Nope. She's definitely pregnant. She's constantly throwing up, she's even wearing baggier clothes!"

"Why does everyone care anyway?" Ron snapped. "It's no one's business!"

"Ronald Weasley, what do you know?" Ginny interrogated him.


"Who's the dad!" Ginny yelled. "Is it you? Everyone seems to think so!"

"Ewww no!" Ron, caught up in the moment panicked at his sisters yells and not thinking about the consequences, mistakenly revealed what he knew. "It's Snape's child." He quickly threw his hands over his mouth.

"What!" She yelled.

The name Snape reverberated through the air, reaching the ears of nearby students. A collective gasp swept through their small group, and whispers of disbelief mingled with shock. The news spread quick, reaching the ears of Hogwarts' inhabitants within minutes.

"Shit! Ginny, look what you've gone and made me do. Cheers." Ron stormed off headed to find you.

You, unaware of the unfolding chaos, made your way down the corridor, unsure of why everyone seemed to be whispering and glancing in your direction. As you passed a group of students, you overheard your name mentioned, followed by Severus Snape's notorious surname. Your heart skipped a beat, and your palms grew clammy.

Finding Hermione a few steps away, you sought clarification amid the growing confusion. "Hermione, what's happening? Why is everyone talking about Severus and me?"

Hermione's expression softened with concern as she met your eyes. "I'm so sorry, y/n. Ron accidentally blurted out that it's Snape's child. The rumor has spread, and now everyone seems to know."

Your face paled, and worry lines etched themselves across your forehead. You had hoped to keep this situation private, shielded from the judgments and opinions of others. Now, it seemed the secret was no longer yours and Severus' alone. You couldn't believe that your best friend had betrayed you like that. He was the first one to know and the first to open his fat gob.
Taking a deep breath, your rallied courage and resolved to face the situation head-on. You had no choice but to address the rumors and the truths concealed within them.

Gathering some strength, you made your way to the Slitherin common room, where the buzz of conversation escalated as you entered. Conversation trailed off, and all eyes fixed upon you, a mixture of curiosity and judgment in their gaze. Clearing your throat, you spoke with a determined voice, hopeful to set the record straight. "Yes, it's true. I am pregnant and as you may already have heard, the father is Severus Snape." Murmurs filled the room, the sound a mixture of shock and disbelief, but you stood tall, refusing to let their judgment bring you down. So you continued, unwavering, "Severus and I are in love and all I can do is ask for your understanding and support. This is a really difficult time but Severus and I are committed to ensuring the welfare of our child, and your respect for our privacy would be greatly appreciated. We are all in the same house so surly that should count for something." You tried.

"So you've been banging a professor? Wait till Dumbledore hears, he will not be impressed." Piped up someone from the back.

"Dumbledore knows of our relationship and has shown his full support." You snapped back. "Does anyone else have anything else stupid to add?"
The room fell silent, the weight of your words hanging heavy in the air. With a nod of acknowledgment toward your friends, you turned to exit the common room, leaving them to process the truth they had just learned.

Outside the common room, Severus waited for you, somehow knowing what you would be doing, his expression a mixture of concern and unwavering support. You approached him knowing together you faced the challenges that awaited you, determined to protect your child from the ever-watchful eyes of Hogwarts. "Well done, y/n, I'm proud of you." Severus kissed your head. "Now where's that idiot, Ron?"

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