Chapter 15

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Your hands trembled as you and Ron stared at the positive pregnancy test, heart racing with a mix of fear and anticipation. Ron looked at you with a concerned expression. He knew the weight of the situation and could see the disbelief etched on your face. Taking a deep breath, Ron gently placed a hand on your shoulder. "Holy shit, y/n. You're pregnant!" Ron exclaimed.

"Yeah, no shit, Ron!" Tears showing in the corners of your eyes. This was your bloody fault for not using protection. How could you let this happen?

"Y/n, it's going to be okay. We'll figure this out together." He reassured you, his voice filled with determination.

You nodded, grateful for Ron's support. "I'm just so scared, Ron. How will Severus react? And how can I possibly hide the baby while being a student at Hogwarts? I'm not even ready for a baby!"

Ron's worry mirrored yours, but he knew you both needed to remain calm and think rationally. "We can't predict Snape's reaction, but he cares about you. I'm sure he'll be shocked at first, but we'll find a way to approach him together."

Your eyes welled up with tears as you considered the immense challenges you and Severus faced. "I don't want to burden him or disrupt his life. Hogwarts is already complicated enough for him."

"Well he should have thought about that before fucking you." Ron scoffed.

"Ron, I swear to Merlin!" You yelled.

"Sorry!" Ron leaned in closer, his voice gentle now. "I understand your worries, but remember that Snape loves you. You two need to have an open and honest conversation about what you both want and how you can move forward together."

Feeling somewhat reassured, you took a deep breath and wiped away tears. Ron was right; you needed to face your fears head-on and you couldn't let the uncertainty paralyze you. Just then, you threw up again, clutching your stomach in pain.

"Do you think you could get him for me?" You winced in distress, and curled up again on the floor, scared to move.

"Obviously." Ron smiled and made his way back to class, running in as if you were dying, his face filled with urgency. The students turned their heads, surprised by the disruption. Without a moment's hesitation, Ron rushed to Snape's side.

"Snape, quickly! Something's wrong with y/n. We have to go." Ron blurted out, acting like he had no idea what was wrong with you.

Snape's eyes widened, a wave of fear crashing over him. He had grown to care deeply for you during your secret relationship, and the thought of something terrible happening to you sent shivers down his spine. Without questioning Ron, Snape followed him, his heart pounding with worry. Together, they made their way through the halls of Hogwarts, their footsteps echoing in unison. Snape's mind raced with thoughts of what could be happening to you. Were you injured? Was you in danger? The uncertainty gnawed at him as they neared their destination.

"Where is she?" He yelled running along side Ron.

"The toilets, in there." He pointed to the door, Snape forcing the door open that hard it almost broke.

As the door swung open, Snape's worst fears seemed to materialize before him. You lay on the floor in the cubicle, you face pale and pain written on your face as you doubled over. Panic consumed him as he rushed to your side, his heart pounding in his chest. "Y/n! What's happened? Are you alright?" Snape's voice trembled with worry as he gently cradled you in his arms.

But to his immense relief, your gave him a weak smile. "I'm okay, Severus," your voice barely above a whisper. "Just in a bit of pain."

Snape's heart skipped a beat at the sound of your voice, flooded with a mixture of relief and gratitude. He held you close, a flood of emotions overwhelming him in that moment. "What hurts? How can I help! Should I get Madame Pomfrey?" He blurted out.

Through your pain, you spoke. "Severus, it's not something life-threatening."

"Then what is happening?" He looked at you confused.

You looked at Ron for the push you needed.

"It's okay, y/n, tell him." Ron smiled.

"Tell me what?" Snape seemed frustrated.

"I-I'm pregnant," you confessed, your voice filled with a mix of relief and tenderness as you held up the pregnancy test to show him. You panicked, and scrunched your eyes, waiting for him to shout.

In that moment, Snape's worry turned into a mixture of emotions - astonishment, joy, a sense of awe at the miracle you had created together and also worry. He looked into your eyes, his heart overflowing with love and understanding. He gently placed a hand on your stomach, feeling a wave of connection and responsibility wash over him. "I'm relieved it's nothing more serious." He said breathing a sigh of relief, his voice filled with a newfound determination and tenderness. Snape smiled and ran a hand through his hair, "I know that this is...unexpected."

"Unexpected?" You scoffed. "That's one way of putting it! How are we going to handle this?

"Well, you only have a couple of months left here, I'm sure we can keep this hidden until then. I'm not saying it won't be hard."

"So you want to keep it?" You ask in shock, you hadn't expected his reaction to be so calm.

"Of course, y/n. As long as you do, that is."

You nodded a reply.

"Then we are having a child, y/n." He chuckled and kissed you hard. "Who would have thought it."

"We're going to be parents." You smiled back as Severus enveloped you in an embrace.

Ron, witnessing the moment, felt a mix of emotions himself - surprise, happiness, and a sense of gratitude that his friend had found love and was embarking on this new chapter in life. "I'm going to be an uncle!"

"Uncle? He thinks he's funny." Snape scoffed.

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