Chapter 18

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The corridors of Hogwarts seemed colder, the whispers louder, and the stares more piercing than ever before as you faced the harsh reality of being bullied. The hurtful words and taunting gestures from your fellow students wounded deeply, casting a shadow over what should have been a time of joy and excitement. Yet, instead, you were met with judgment and ridicule. Cruel remarks about your dating choices and speculative whispers about your potential parenting skills became a constant soundtrack to your existence. The emotional toll began to wear you down, threatening to extinguish you spirit.

But you were not alone in this struggle. Severus, despite his seemingly impenetrable facade, stood by your side, offering unwavering support and love, shielding you from the worst of the torment. He understood the pain all too well, having endured his fair share of torment in his own time at Hogwarts. He'd given numerous detentions and even cast a spell or two on students who went as far as to throw things at you. You often could hear him scream at students from your other classes further down the hall, knowing he was protecting you.

And this time, you sat in your Transfiguration class, attempting to focus on the lesson whilst the weight of the horrid comments bore down on you. As the whispers and snide remarks grew louder, tears welled up in your eyes, threatening to spill over. The harsh words pierced your heart, a sharp reminder of the harshness that some students were capable of.

"How could anyone fancy the dungeon bat? Let alone shag him." A blonde whispered from behind you, voice full of disgust. "And he's a professor. It's actually disgusting. How is he still allowed to work here?"

You kept your head down, trying to your best to ignore it, but failing as tears fell onto your text book, ruining the paper.

"What if he leaves her? What will she do then?" Another piped up.

Ron, who was in your class, turned to look at you. His heart breaking realising it was his fault that you were now suffering.

"Honestly, she might as well just leave Hogwarts. I don't know how she dares come to lessons."

"Stop it!" Ron jumped out of his chair causing everyone to turn to look at him. "Can't you see what you are doing to her?" He yelled. "Yes she's pregnant and yes it's to Snape, but that's non of your business and it's certainly not your place to have an opinion!"

"Weren't you the one to tell everyone who the dad was anyway?" The blonde spoke again.

"Yes, and I live with that regret everyday. But you know what? I'm happy for her. Y/n will make the best mum and I'm sure Snape will make a somewhat alright dad."

You looked at Ron, a hint of thankfulness in your eyes.

"Well I think it's gross to be honest." The blonde replied.

You couldn't bear the weight of the classroom any longer. In that moment, all you needed was the comforting presence of Severus Snape. You excused yourself, quickly gathering your belongings and rushing out of the classroom, tears streaming down your face.

Unbeknownst to you, Severus had heard your distress from his own classroom, listening in to your thoughts. Excusing himself from his students, he swiftly made his way down the corridor to find you. His heart was filled with a mix of anger and protectiveness, determined to support you through this ordeal.

When Severus found you, he gently pulled you into an empty classroom, shutting the door behind you and locking it. His face softened as he saw your tear-stained cheeks and the pain etched on your face. Without a word, he enveloped you in a comforting embrace, his cloak wrapping round you providing a haven within the storm.

You clung to Severus for dear life as you sobbed, seeking solace in his strength and understanding. The warmth of his presence and the sound of his steady heartbeat offered a sense of security you desperately needed.

Severus broke the silence, his voice calm but filled with determination. "Y/n, listen to me. Never let their hateful words define you. You are strong, you are loved, and you are carrying life within you. Their ignorance and cruelty do not diminish your worth."

You trembled in his embrace, allowing his words to seep into your soul. You felt a surge of resilience building within you, slowly pushing aside the hurt and doubts that had plagued your mind.

Severus continued, his voice unwavering. "What they say reflects more about them than it does about you. You are not bound by their shallow judgments. Those students will be out of your life in mere months. After that, it's just you, me and our child. That is all we need." Severus kissed the top of your head.

Your tears slowly subsided, replaced by a newfound determination. You looked up at Severus through watery eyes, gratitude flooding your expression. "Thank you, Severus. Your understanding and support mean more to me than words can express."

Severus gently wiped away the remaining tears from your cheeks, his eyes a mixture of love and protectiveness. "You don't have to face this alone, my love. We will navigate this storm together, shielding each other from its worst effects."

With your head held a little higher, you nodded, a flicker of strength and resilience igniting within. You knew that the road ahead would still be challenging, but knew that you wouldn't face it alone.

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