Chapter 8

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You sat cross-legged on your common room floor, tears streaming down your flushed cheeks. Your heartache had turned into a melody, as you sang softly to yourself, hoping to find solace in the haunting tune.

I can't wait to memorize this day
Oh, a picture could not contain the way it feels
You say, "Live in the present"
I'm already dreaming of how it begins
And trying to savor the moment
But I know the feeling will come to an end
So I crave, crave to do it again, all again
Crave, crave, to do it again, I
Just for a second it all felt simple
I'm already missing it
So I crave, crave to do it again, all again
I romanticize even the worst of times
When all it took to make me cry was being alive
Look up and see a reflection
Of someone who never gave way to the pain
What if I told 'em that now that I'm older
There isn't a moment that I'd wanna change?
Now I crave, crave to do it again, all again
Crave, crave to do it again
Just for a second, it all felt simple
I'm already missing it
So I crave, crave to do it again, all again
Any second, feel the present
Future and the past connecting
Any second, feel the present
Future and the past connecting
Crave, crave to do it again, (to do it) all again
Crave, crave to do it again, I
Just for a second, it all felt simple
I'm already missing it
So I crave, crave to do it again, all again

As the words left your lips, you heard the creak of the door swinging open, and your heart skipped a beat thinking no one would have disturbed you as everyone was eating. But then you remembered Ron was fetching you food. Ron was always so thoughtful.

But to your surprise, it wasn't Ron who stood there in the doorway. It was Severus, the very person who shattered your heart into a million pieces just moment earlier. A gasp escaped your lips as you hastily wiped tears away, annoyed and embarrassed that Snape had caught you in such a vulnerable state.

Snape froze in his tracks, his obsidian eyes fixed on you. He was captivated by your voice, a voice that held both pain and beauty almost like weaving an enchantment around the air. He had broken your heart to protect you, but seeing you now, his resolve wavered, realising how badly he had hurt you.
"Y/n," he began, his voice laced with what sounded like regret. "You sing beautifully."

You didn't utter a word, you just stayed sat down on the hard floor wishing it would swallow you whole.

"I think we need to talk... I didn't mean to hurt you." He continued. "My judgement is blinded by the past and by the people I have lost. And more than that, I know the harshness of reality and all that it can bring. Life isn't kind, y/n, especially to us of the wizarding world. Potential enemies lurk in every corner threatening our very existence. I don't want that darkness seeping into you. Y/n... with love comes loss and great pain."

"Wh-what are you saying, Severus?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Snape kneeled down beside you, his black robe billowing around him.

"Then why did you ruin it earlier? You expect me to believe you love me? After casting me aside like that? Don't pretend just to spare my feelings. I don't need your pity." You snapped.

"You don't understand, y/n!" He snapped back. "My past haunts me - it follows me. It's too dangerous to be near me, everyone I've ever held dear has died. I can't bear the thought of losing you too, so I did what I always do. I push people away. But I can't bring myself to not have you. I need you-I- I love you!"

Your eyes widened, heart pounding in your chest. Love? Snape loved you? The realization washed over you, uncertain if you should trust him again. After a moment, you found your voice.
"Why should I believe you, Severus? You've hurt me once before. What's to say you won't do it again?"

Severus started edging closer, his voice firm yet trembling with emotion. "Because, y/n, I can't imagine a future without your voice filling it. Without your beauty or your kind heart. Please, give me a chance to make it up to you."

Your heart fluttered and your voice barely a whisper. "Prove it."
He offered a small, almost fragile smile. "I will, y/n. I promise. I will spend every day proving it to you."
With hope rekindled in your eyes, you nodded, allowing yourself to believe in the possibility of second chances.
As the two shared a moment of understanding, the sounds of the students finishing up their breakfast from the great hall fell around you.
"I must go now, but I will seek you out." He held up your hand and pressed a loving kiss on your knuckles. And as he opened the door to leave, Ron was stood on the other side of the door to your common room, mouth gaping open in shock dropping the plate of food he had snuck out for you. "Blimey. What are you doing in here?" He asked as he was face to face with Snape who just rolled his eyes and left, cape flowing behind him.

Crave (Severus Snape x reader)Where stories live. Discover now