Chapter 17

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Your heart pounded in your chest as you and Severus set out to find Ron, anger simmering just beneath the surface. You both knew you needed to address the situation, to confront Ron and express the disappointment held and the trust that had now been broken. Just weeks ago he had sworn an oath of secrecy, an unwritten pact of understanding but here you were, hunting him down like an angry mob. Yet regardless of your rage, a part of you still hoped that your friendship could be salvaged, but you knew Severus wouldn't be so forgiving.

Narrowing down Ron's whereabouts, you eventually discovered him sitting alone in the library, pretending to pore over a textbook whilst trying to avoid eye contact with anyone. You approached him cautiously, aware of the tension that hung in the air, Severus, however, did not.

"Ron," Severus' voice was a symphony of anger and betrayal as he stormed over to the Weasley boy. "We need to talk."

Ron quickly looked up and let go of the book, sensing the gravity of the situation in his the professors tone. His eyes met yours, and he immediately noticed the disappointment and upset etched across your face. He swallowed hard, realizing the magnitude of his mistake.

"I... I'm sorry," Ron stammered, avoiding Severus' eyes well. "I never meant for it to come out like that. It was thoughtless, and I understand if you're angry."

Severus, though boiling with rage, maintained his composure and replied in a low, stern voice, "Angry?" Snape scoffed. "Anger doesn't even begin to cover it! It was thoughtless indeed, Ron. You've not only jeopardized our privacy but also potentially endangered the well-being of our child. Do you comprehend the consequences of your actions?"

Ron, visibly guilt-ridden, shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "I didn't think it through, Professor. I was caught up in the moment, and it slipped out. I should have been more careful, and I'm so sorry for that."

"That's your problem isn't it? You don't think!" Severus was now inches from Ron's face. He looked terrified but never once looked at Snape. You almost felt sorry for him but then remembered his actions held consequences.

"How could you, Ron?" Your voice full of anger. "You're my best friend. I trusted you with this."

"Look, Ginny started interrogating me, she even asked if I was the bloody father! I panicked and it just sort of slipped out, I didn't want her thinking I'd knocked you up for Merlin's sake!" He retorted.

You took a deep breath, anger slowly giving way to a flicker of understanding. You looked at Ron, your voice laced with a mix of sadness and hurt. "I'm just disappointed that you didn't handle it with the care it deserved. Did you not for a second think how this could ruin my last few months at Hogwarts?"

Severus, still bristling with anger, interrupted, "Trust is a delicate thing, Ron. It takes years to build and only a moment to shatter. We believed we could count on you, that you would protect our secret like your own. Clearly, we were wrong. And to think you called yourself an uncle."

Ron's face flushed with remorse as he finally met Severus' gaze. "I can't express how sorry I am. I know I've messed up. I've let you both down, and I understand if you can't forgive me, I wouldn't even forgive me."

Silence enveloped the library, the weight of the situation palpable. You and Severus exchanged glances, a silent conversation passing between the two of you as you wrestled with your feelings.

It's okay, Sev. I've got this.

Hearing your thoughts, he nodded at you and stepped back next to you, allowing you to grab his arm.

Finally, you spoke, voice soft but firm. "Ron, we've been through so much together. We've stuck by each other's side, even in the darkest of times. It will take time to rebuild our trust, but I don't want to lose you as a friend. I hope that, over time, we can mend what's been broken, but I need time to think."

Severus nodded in agreement, his stern expression softening just a fraction. "But make no mistake, Ron. This breach is not easily forgotten. We expect you to demonstrate remorse and show that you understand the gravity of your actions. Rebuilding trust won't be instantaneous."

Ron's eyes filled with a mixture of relief and determination. "Thank you for giving me a chance. I promise, I'll do whatever it takes to regain your trust and make amends."

As you and Severus left the library, you realised the road to recovery stretched before you, laden with challenges and uncertainties. Could you forgive Ron? More importantly could you ever trust him again? But within the bond you had built through years of friendship, hope flickered, providing a glimmer of possibility for forgiveness and healing.

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