Chapter 2

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The class had come to an end as had the school day. Everyone had finished gathering their books and quills, stuffing them into their bags as quickly as they could so they could begin their weekend.

"I can wait for you, if you want." Ron chucked his bag over his shoulder.

"No. You go ahead, who knows how long I will be here for." You sighed. "Thank you, though."

"See you later then?"

"Of course." You smiled as your friend made his way out of the class.

Only when you heard the bang of the wooden door shut did it occur to you that you were now alone with Snape. Your back was facing him in the piercing silence, your heart beating so loud you were scared he could hear it. Mustering the courage from somewhere, you turned to your professor, noticing how he stood straight, facing you already, waiting for you.
Neither of you said a word and your eyes connected for what seemed like an eternity. You wished he would say something or at least back down from this staring contest you had found yourself in but he was persistent. Unwavering.

He looked gorgeous in the soft light of the dungeons as you were loosing yourself in his eyes. You should be scared but this was the sort of lost that felt exactly like being found. You wanted to touch him. Him to touch you. To kiss h-

"Stop it." Finally, he spoke, brows furrowed.

"Stop what, professor?" You swallowed a lump you didn't realise was there as he edged closer to you.

"You do realise I can-" he cut himself off, still getting closer.

"Y-you can what?"

"Hear you." He continued, practically arms reach away.

"Well, yes." You laughed. "I should hope so or you would be deaf." Unaware of what he meant.

His fist slammed down on the table next to you. "You ignorant girl." He sneered.

You jumped slightly, startled with his outburst. "I-I'm sorry, professor." You finally let your eyes fall away from his and to the ground.

You wasn't sure what you had done but you knew you hadn't meant to upset him. You could never do that to him. The very idea itself upset you.

"Your thoughts are so loud!" He finally admitted. "Louder than anyone else."

"My thoughts, sir?" Realisation slowly coming to you.

His hand slightly lifted to you and then quickly fell back to his side as if scolding himself. "I am skilled in Legilimency, miss y/l/n."

Embarrassed was an understatement. Your face was heating up and you could only guess your cheeks had turned pink in colour. "I-I can explain!" You tried as every thought you previously had came rushing into your mind. Realising that he would be able to hear the review of your thoughts too you shouted, "get out of my head!" Pushing your hands onto your ears as hard as you could as if to block him some how, tears forming in your eyes threatened to spill so you scrunched them shut. You attempted to block every thought but all that was happening instead was the notion of the reality that you knew you held feelings for a man that would never even so much as bat an eye your way. Your professor. You would have to be stupid to even think for a second that-stop! You were cursing yourself internally now in a mental battle.

"Y/n." Snape spoke as if you may break and, just like that, the thoughts stopped. "Look at me." His hands grabbing at yours still placed on either side of your head. "It's okay. It's a crush and it will pass. It has to miss y/l/n. It is unheard of for a student to like a professor."

"But what if I don't want it to pass." You sighed, eyes wide in disbelief of what you just said. "I mean-" you tried.

"Go to your common room, rest. You will realise by Monday that this is a passing phase. Either that or I will erase it from your mind."

You turned to grab your things and leave just as a singular tear ran down your cheek. "P-please don't."

Just then his hand grabbed at your wrist not allowing you to exist the classroom. His thumb stroking your y/s/c knuckles.

His hands were surprisingly soft, not at all like you had believed them to be. How long you had craved for his touch. Strange how he held you for so long leaving gentle circles on the back of your hand but the thought of you having a crush on him was enough to want to erase your memories.

"I spoke out of term. I shouldn't have said that and I won't do it."

"Thank you." With that, you opened the door to leave the classroom, Snape releasing you from his grip, only to be greeted with Ron who clearly had been listening in. His face flushed.

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