Chapter 3

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"Ron? I told you to go!" You panicked pushing him slightly so you could close the door behind you. It was obvious that he definitely heard everything that was spoke of inside the classroom. "Why were you listening in?" Annoyance prominent in your voice.

"I just wanted to make sure the dungeon bat wasn't going to scream at you for no reason! I mean he did make you stay behind for nothing!" Ron tried. "I-I didn't realise that -that was going to happen!" Ron explained.

"Brilliant. Can today get any worse?" You held your face in your hands shaking your head.

"Sorry, y/n."

"It's okay. Just promise me you won't breathe a word of this to anyone." You sighed.

"Of course. Promise." He nodded.

You started walking away, Ron following behind. " have a thing for the dungeon bat then?" He whispered in your ear. "And here I was thinking no one could ever fancy him. He's mad."

"Ron. Listen to me." You stopped in your tracks. "Please stop talking about it. This is the single most humiliating thing that has ever happened to me, I just want to get to my dorm and never leave. In fact, I might just leave Hogwarts and never come back."

"Stop being dramatic. It's not that bad. Besides, you have to come down to eat tonight."

"Oh great yeah. And see him there? I don't think so." You nervously laughed as you began walking again.

Ron's face turned mischievous with a cunning smile.

"I know that face! That's the face you make when you have a plan. What ever it is I'm not doing it." You pre warned him.

"Just hear me out. You like him and there's nothing saying he doesn't like you-or that you can't at least make him like you."

"Where is this going?"

"Tonight, when we go for food in the great hall, wear something that he wouldn't be able to resist you in."

"Ron!" You chuckled nudging him slightly.

"No I'm serious!" He laughed back.

"Not happening." You taunted as you reached the common room. "Besides. He doesn't like me and never will. Even if he did, I'm a student and nothing could come of it."

"But that's where you're wrong, y/n, we are in our final year. There's not exactly long to wait before you could date. And he'd be stupid to not go for you."

"If I didn't class you as a brother I would say you were flirting with me." You joked.

Ron made a face of disgust. "Yeah that's pretty grim. I'm not sure if you just realised what you said then."

"Shut up." You laughed. "See you later." You waved as you walked into your common room.

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