Chapter 9

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As the Monday morning sun cast its golden rays through classroom trying to brighten the dam classroom, a subtle tension filled the air. Snape expertly paced back and forth, his deep voice resonating through the room as he explained the intricacies of the Dark Arts. But his eyes, those dark, penetrating eyes, were secretly locked on yours, you sat at the back of the class next to Ron, pretending to be focused.Your cheeks flushed, and you nervously fiddled with your quill, stealing occasional glances at Snape. Your love was a secret, but that didn't mean you couldn't flirt with him under the watchful eyes of your classmates.

"Professor." You held your hand in the air, waving for his attention. "I need your help please." You smiled playfully as Snape strode over to you.

"Yes, miss y/n, what can I help you with?"

"I'm struggling to get my posture right for this charm. I thought that maybe you could...aid me?" You asked seductively with a wink.

Ron looked at you smirking as he suppressed a laugh. You looked at him and rolled your eyes.

"Of course." The professor spoke in his usual monotone voice, spinning you round so your back was facing him, your heart pounding in anticipation. Suddenly you were being pulled backwards feeling yourself pressed up against Snape's chest, his arms snaking round you and his breath against you neck. His fingers slowly tracing their way to your hips as he pushed you slightly to the right, "stand like this, legs slightly apart." You did as instructed and shuffled your feet away from each other. "Good." His fingers now making their way to your face and adjusted your head dramatically quick, "head straight on." You nodded, pushing yourself further back into his body as his hands now groped their way along your body, moving down from your shoulders, to your arms and finally your hands. "The motion is a long and hard flick of the wand."

"Long and hard?" You repeated, turning your head to look up at him biting your lip.

"Face forward!" He snapped, repeating a previous step, harshly bringing your face back to where it should be. "Long...and hard." He whispered in your ear. By now you had fully pressed your body into his.

Being this close to him made you hot and flustered, his touch leaving peppered flames of desire etched into your skin, craving more. Being this intimate with Severus in the classroom under the unknowing innocence of your classmates felt so dangerous yet exciting, thrilling even. You wished you were alone with him right now as wetness had started to pool in your underwear.

Snape tutted after clearly invading the privacy of your thoughts. Rolling your eyes, you pressed even further into him and your eyes widened. "My my professor. What's that?" You questioned the hard bulge pressing into your lower back, pretending to be completely oblivious.

Snape quickly pushed you off him and stormed down to the front of the class slumping down into his chair at his desk to hide his obviously growing man hood.

"Can I have some help prof-" another member of the class began.

"No!" Snape yelled cutting them off.

You chuckled slightly, sitting back down in your chair still feeling flustered from the interaction. 

"Bloody hell, y/n." Ron piped up from next to you. "Get a room would you!"

"What?" You blushed, trying to maintain composure. "What can I say? I find it quite intriguing to flirt with him right under the noses of the rest of the class." A mischievous grin spreading across your face.

Snape motioned for you to come forward, your heart pounding as you approached him knowing you would probably be in trouble for the stunt you had just pulled. "Miss y/n, I am going to need you to stay behind after class please. Your behaviour today has been completely unacceptable."

"If you insist professor." You faked a sad expression.

Walking back to your desk you pretended to drop your wand. "Ooops." You giggled bending down to pick it up, your skirt lifting high revealing your black lace underwear, fully aware that Snape would have full view. So you took your time in retrieving it. "Got it." You turned your head slightly backwards to see Snape's face flushed in crimson. "Are you okay sir? You look very red."You winked.

Ron couldn't contain himself any longer, snorting snickers as his body shook with laughter, the whole class turning to look at him. The sound only made Snape's cheeks redden more, but Snape contained his irritation.

"Mr Weasley," Snape called out sternly, though a hint of amusement touched his voice, "is there anything you'd like to share with the class?"

Caught off guard, Ron immediately stifled his laughter, shaking his head furiously "No sir." He smiled. "Just enjoying the lesson is all." Ron joked.

Snape returned his attention to you, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Now, y/n, where were we?"

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