Chapter 13

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Warning: this chapter contains smut. I will insert a lemon 🍋 where it begins and where it ends if you should want to skip it.

You and Severus eagerly walk hand in hand down the snow-covered streets of Hogsmeade. The air was filled with excitement as the two of you made your way to the Three Broomsticks Pub for a memorable date night. The pub was bustling with the warmth of laughter, music, and the clinking of glasses.

You found a cozy spot near the lively band that was playing, listening to the sweet melodies filled the air, tempting them to let loose and embrace the evening's festivities. The fire across from you was roaring and crackling away filling the dim room with a soft orange glow. You glanced at Severus mischievously and said, "Severus, we should definitely have a few drinks tonight. Let's allow ourselves to enjoy the moment."

Severus arched an eyebrow, a mixture of caution and amusement in his eyes. "Are you sure you want to indulge, y/n? We wouldn't want to get too carried away."

You chuckled playfully. "Oh, come on, Severus! Let's have some fun. We aren't far from Hogwarts."

Severus couldn't resist your enthusiasm. "Alright, my dear. Let's make this an unforgettable night."

Severus ordered a round of drinks from the bartender, him a Firewhisky and you a red wine. You clinked your glasses together, a toast to your first date away from Hogwarts. The taste of your drink swirled on your tongue, warming you from the inside out.

You and Severus stayed like that for a bit, enjoying each others company, exchanging the odd word here and there but mostly listening to the band. You'd finished your drink and noticed Severus had too. "Care for another?" You asked, standing up to go to the bar.

"Don't be ridiculous, y/n." Severus jumped out of his chair. "Drinks are on me tonight." He smirked, guiding you back to your seat and your heart leapt. You wondered how you'd managed to get so lucky and thanked your lucky stars that Severus had picked you.

He returned with another red wine, large, you might add. This made you chuckle knowing you were already feeling the effects of the first drink.
"Everything okay, y/n?" Snape asked with an air of playful confusion.

"Everything is perfect, actually." You replied taking a sip of your wine.

As the night continued, you were deep in conversation, eyes sparkling with mirth and a playful energy passing between you both. Drinks were flowing and laughter exchanged as you were both clearly intoxicated.

"Severus, what's your best pick up line?" You giggled to yourself.

"Pick up line?" He questioned.

"Yeah! I will go first if you want?"

"I have to hear this." He laughed.

"Okay, but be prepared it will be really bad." You steadied your laughing and said, "are you a Lumos spell, because you light up my life."

Severus burst out laughing, "y/n, that was terrible!"

"I told you! Now your turn." You stared into his eyes.

Severus, ever the mysterious and witty one, leaned in closer to you, a half-smile playing on his lips. "Are you a love potion because every time I'm with you I feel like I've been struck by one." His eyes caught on yours.

"Severus, that was really cringy but yet so cute." You put your hand to your heart as your cheeks flushed, a delighted smile tugging at your lips.

"Well, it's true." He smirked. "I believe I fall more in love with you every time I look at you."

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