Chapter 11

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He had never been one for words.

Severus Snape had always had a gruff exterior, a stone cold mask that he held up and used to deflect any sort of emotion. It was his way and you knew it, he had told you why and you respected that.

Tonight, however, felt different. You were having dinner with him in his chambers, and it was rather strange. He was quiet, quieter than usual, as you began to stare into the fire. You could feel his eyes constantly on you but couldn't get a read on what was going through his mind, so you just continued to eat in silence occasionally looking up at him.

Suddenly he said the most unexpected thing in the calmest of ways. "Dumbledore knows of our relationship."

Almost instantly your chocked on your food, coughing and spluttering as some flew out of your mouth and landed on your skirt. "What?"
Shocked was an understatement.

"Dumbledore knows. He knew there was a change in my behaviour and managed to get it out of me." Is all he said.


"And...He surprised me actually, he was okay with it."



"Really?" You couldn't believe what you were hearing.

Severus chuckled, a rare occurrence that surprised you both. "You see, y/n, things aren't always as they seem. Dumbledore knows better than anyone how cruel and unforgiving the world can be. He understands that love doesn't always adhere to the regulations and restrictions imposed upon us by society."

You couldn't help but feel a wave of relief wash over you. The weight that had burdened your heart for weeks now suddenly lifted, and you could breathe freely again. "So, what now? What does this mean for us?"

"Well, that means we can be us without the worry of the headmaster finding out. He emphasized that we must keep it hidden from the rest of Hogwarts, however." Snape's monotone voice filled your ears. "He fears what everyone else would think."

"I suppose that makes sense." You agreed, noticing the food on your skirt, flicking it onto the floor. "But obviously Ron knows." You laughed.

"Well he better know how to keep a secret." Snape rolled his eyes.

"That's like asking a bird not to chirp." You joked.

Snape looked in confusion, eye brow raised "What?" He smirked.

"Basically he's rubbish with secrets."

"Y/n, you do come out with the strangest of sayings sometimes."

"Yep. That's me." You chuckled, tucking back into your food.

You knew that your love was unique, a cherished secret shared only between you and Severus...and Ron of course. But with Dumbledore's approval, you felt invincible, knowing that you had the support and understanding of the wise old wizard who watched over you all.

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