Chapter 5

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You raced up the tower desperate to reach the top and see if Snape had accepted your invitation to meet you. How you wished he was there and that he held some feelings towards you. As you reached the top you could feel the cold air of the outside hitting your bare skin as a result of your short dress but the adrenaline coursing through your body was enough to keep you warm. You glanced around and, much to your disappointment, there was no sign of Snape anywhere. You sighed loudly, feeling deflated. Dinner had just ended, however, so maybe he was on his way up to you, you hoped, still feeling confident. But as time ticked by and still no Snape you were really starting to give up.
He didn't like you. He mustn't or he would be here. You'd made a fool out of yourself for no reason in front of the entire school. You would never live it down. And then you would have to go to Snape's lessons and sit there knowing the man you craved would never return the feeling.

You walked over to the railings and looked over the edge, seeing how the school lit up, it was beautiful up here. The horizon stretched so far out and the stars lit up the night sky. Sighing, you felt tears welling up in your eyes. A shooting star whizzed over the top of your head so you scrunched your eyes and decided to make a wish. Tears escaping you y/e/c eyes. You knew it was stupid but at the very least you could try.

I wish Snape would see me. Not just see me but really notice me. I wish he liked me too.

"Y/n." A monotone voice sounded from behind you, breaking you out of your trance.

"P-professor. You came." You smiled wiping your tears away.

"I did." He smiled slightly.

"I feel stupid." You admitted, gesturing to what you were wearing.

"You look beautiful." He walked closer to you and your heart skipped a beat.

"You think I'm beautiful?"

"Yes." He lifted his hand to your face, wiping away more falling tears with his thumb. "Why are you crying?"

"Because I'm so dumb. Falling for my professor for one. Dressing like this to impress you but letting the whole school see? That's mad."

"Ron's idea?" He chuckled.

"Yeah." You laughed back.

"I think you're incredibly brave." Snape locked his eyes with yours.

"I don't feel it. I just had this false sense of courage and rolled with it." You sighed as he moved a stray piece of hair and tucked it behind your ear. "Am I mad?"

"Incredibly." He teased. "But all the best people are."

Please kiss me.

Snape's eyes drifted to your mouth and almost instinctively you bit your bottom lip. You stayed like that for a moment but it felt like forever. "This is wrong." Snape whispered, eyes still on your lips. "You're my student."

"Not for much longer." You tried. "And I'm 18."

"It's wrong." He said almost seductively whilst biting his lip.
Then Snape closed the gap between you, pushing his lips onto yours as if his life depended on it. A wave of emotions crashed down on you, dragging you under and suffocating you. A flame lighting and electricity flowing through your body at the softness of his lips against the harshness of the kiss. In between kisses he mouthed, "this is wrong."

"So wrong." You confirmed whilst still fighting for dominance in the kiss. It was so passionate and more than you could have ever dared to dream of. Hands tangled in each others hair pulling roughly on one another and your tongues dancing, feeling his breath on you. Then the kiss ended as you both stood there, bodies pressed tightly and eyes burning into each others. Both of you panting heavily, eager to breathe the others air.

"Wow." Was all you managed to say.

Crave (Severus Snape x reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu