Chapter 14

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It had been a few weeks now since your impromptu over night get away with Severus at The Three Broomsticks, and what a night it had been. It was definitely one you and Snape would never forget, one full of dancing, laughter, alcohol and well-the other thing which still made your heart race to this day. Since then, you'd spent numerous nights in Snape's chambers where you fully surrender yourself to him and recreated what you both did that very night. But as you woke up this morning, you had a feeling that you couldn't quite shake. Probably because the feeling first began with you running to the toilet during your Defence against the Dark Arts class to be sick. Violently.

"Mr Weasley, please can you go and check on Miss y/l/n?" Snape's monotone voice bellowed through the class, hiding the worry behind it. The rest of the class staring at the door you'd just ran through.

"Of course, professor." Ron nodded and gave him a small smile of reassurance just before sprinting down the corridor to the toilets.

"Y/n?" Ron shouted. "Are you in here?"
The sounds of heaving echoed through the room.
"Take that as a yes." He pulled a face of disgust as he heading the stall you were in.

"I'm fine, Ron. Don't worry." You managed to say before throwing up again.

"Yeah, because you look fine." Ron said sarcastically whilst kneeling down besides you. "Blimey, what happened?"

"I don't know. I just suddenly felt unbelievably sick." You flushed the toilet and wiped your mouth whilst Ron patted you on the shoulder reassuringly. "Did Severus send you out?"

"Yeah, I could tell he was worried."

"He was?" You asked almost excited.

"Well, I mean, he just acted like typical Snape but he wouldn't have sent me out if he wasn't worried." Ron added. "Did you eat something funny?"

"I'm not sure." You admitted. "Come on. Let's go back to class."

"You sure?" Ron had concern etched on his face.

"Yeah. I'm okay now."

You and Ron headed back to class and had spent the rest of the day feeling relatively fine and passed it off as nothing but when the next morning came and you were in your Defence against the Dark Arts class again, you looked at Ron and stated, "I'm going to be sick." and bolted it out of the door, your cloak flowing behind you, hand clutched to your mouth hoping to make it to the toilets in time. Thankfully you did. And once again, Severus sent Ron out to your aid.

"Y/n, what is bloody going on? This is the second day in a row now!" Ron knocked on the cubicle door which you had shut this time. After throwing up your breakfast, you laid yourself on the hard floor and began to cry.

"Ron, please go away." You sniffled.

"Come on, let me in." You sighed and clicked open the door and resumed your place on the floor.

"What's the matter? Why are you crying?"

"Ron, my period is late." You stated rather mater of factually.


"And I'm being sick."


You gazed at him, waiting for the penny to drop.

"Shit, y/n! You slept with the dungeon bat?" Ron looked as shocked as ever.

"Yes, Ron, I slept with Severus." You shot daggers his way.

Ron stared at you, his eyes wide with disbelief. The revelation that you had slept with Severus Snape took him by surprise, even though he was aware of your relationship he just never thought it would go that far. But amidst the shock, Ron's supportive nature kicked in, knowing that you might need his understanding and assistance now more than ever. Taking a deep breath, Ron composed himself and approached you with a gentle expression. "Y/n, I... I can't say I expected this, but I'm here for you," he said, his voice filled with a mix of concern and compassion.

Your face paled, hands instinctively reaching for your stomach. "Ron, I think... I might be pregnant," you confessed, your voice quivering with anxiety. "I'm scared about what this all means."

Ron's eyes changed to concern. The weight of the situation settled upon him, but he knew that support and empathy were the best things he could offer you at this moment. "We'll figure this out together, y/n," he assured you, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. "We'll take it one step at a time. First, we need to confirm your pregnancy with a proper test."

Hope flickered in your eyes as you nodded, grateful for Ron's unwavering support. You magicked a pregnancy test and stared at it, willing yourself to take it.

"You've got this." Ron nodded and left you alone in the cubicle.

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