-Tales of Clover-

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"*Mix of the Tales of Arcadia and Black Clover, Kinda rushed, and more on Finral being a secretive little shit but his husband loves him anyway.*"

Finral hummed as he sewed into the white fabric. The two teens silently stared at him, one clearly terrified, the other more shocked than anything.

"Have something to say, Hisirdoux?" Finral asked calmly, a soft smile on his face as he continued to sew.

"Y-you-your- um, Huh?" The teen stuttered out.

"Here." The other teen walked over to the brown haired man, handing him a ring.

"You sure you want to give me this? Jim the baby handed?" Finral laughed a little at the younger boy's groan.

"We're squad-mates now right. If we're going to fight together then we should at least be able to trust each other." Jim smiled at the calm man.

"Hmm," Finral set the embroidery down next to him, "So your new captain knows what you two are? What you do in your free time? YOUR AGES?" Finral asked pointedly, glaring a little at the blue and black haired boy.

"Does he know all that for you?" the young wizard glared back.

"No, not really. Good luck, with your baptism." Finral settled the ring on his finger before picking up his embroidery project. "I'm sure Magna will have fun with you two."

"Is this actually a cult, I promised my mom I'd never join a cult... again." Jim looked down.

"When did you, Why?"

"It's a long story, they had a hidden addition of a cook book chain that got discontinued." Jim hummed a little looking away from his friends judgement expression.

"Not quite, I'll see you later. Child and baby hands." Finral escaped to the roof before anyone could talk to him anymore.

It didn't last however, the yelling and light didn't really bother him, Yami's sudden appearance did.



"Since when have you called me that?" Yami moved over to him, puffing out smoke as he looked down. "You didn't come because they were there." It wasn't a question. "This part of your secrets i'm guessing."

"Yes it is." Finral hummed a little.

"You always sew when your nervous, if they make you-"

"Yami." Finral cut him off a small smile. "I'm not sure why they're here, but they are. Whatever the reason-" Finral moved closer to Yami to look down at their little fight's end. "it has to be worth it. It wouldn't be anything less. If it was just Jim, then I wouldn't be worried. But Douxie is here, and if he's here that means something is coming. Something that clover isn't going to be ready for." Finral leaned over, kissing his secret husband's cheek. "I think it's about time there's no more secrets."

"Don't think I'm pushing you." Yami looked down at his slightly shorter husband. "But I'm also not going to stop you."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2023 ⏰

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