Quidditch lessons.

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Ginny's P.O.V.

  Harry left to put on his robe and I fought the urge to follow him. "You want some alone time," I asked Ron. "Because I can leave."  He replied, "Yes, thanks."

  I went to the dining hall because the rest of us were dressed. Dumbledore waved me over. "I think you should try out for quidditch." He told me. "I don't know" I mumbled, "I'd need practice."

  He seemed to think about this for a moment. Then he said "why don't you ask Harry, he's friends with Ron, right?" God, I hoped he didn't see me blush. "Okay, I'll ask him." I said as I hurried to sit down.

Harry's P.O.V.

  Ginny told me to see her after we leave the dining hall. I wonder what it could be for. Probably showing me off to her friends, being famous get you a lot of attention. I did see Dumbledore ask her something. Well I guess I'll see.

  I went to her after I left. "What do you need Ginny?" I asked. I felt bad for what I did earlier, I just don't want to get attached and after she almost died I couldn't bear losing her.

  "Dumbledore told me I would should try out for quidditch and so I told him I would need practice so he told me to ask you because you're friends with Ron." She said quickly. "So will you?" she said quietly and slowly, while looking down at her feet.

  I thought about that for only a second "sure, why not." I said. I hope this doesn't hurt me.

Hermione's P.O.V.

  When Ginny left us alone we just sat there staring at each other, it was amazing. I looked at him, remembering the time he almost died and his "girlfriend" came in the room, and it was my name he said. Not hers. I had closed my eyes and by the time I realized it Ron kissed me. It was wonderful, like always. We just sat there our lips pressed together like we were each other's life support.


Ginny's P.O.V.

    Harry and I got special permission to go out and practice. His voice snapped me out of my daydream, it was perfect. "What are you trying out for, Ginny?" he asked me. "I don't know probably chaser." I replied. I really wanted to be a seeker but I felt like that would make me seem desperate.

  We started and he threw out suggestions like "lean a little more forward" or "don't turn that hard". There wasn't too many and at the end he said I could probably even be a seeker.

  "Oh, okay... you're the captain, whatever you say Harry." I tried to sound calm and casual, but that doesn't work well when you're also trying not to blush.

just a school year  ( a potter fan fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang