Quidditch Cup

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Ginny's P.O.V.
  I woke like usual, then remember today. The quidditch game (Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff) and the one that determines the quidditch cup. The game is overmarrow and practice is after dinner.
  Snape gave us extra extra homework. To attempt in balancing that out, professor McGonagall didn't give us any. And professor Sprout didn't give us much (probably because Hufflepuff was in there but...).
  I did my homework quickly and went to dinner. I was so jittery I could hardly eat. We went out together to our last practice of the year. It went great! I think... Harry walked stiffly up in front of us with a look that said he was about to chew someone(s) out. Alicia looked like she was about to faint.
  Once everyone was looking at him his scowl vanished and a collective breath was let out. "Alright guys! This was a amazing practice. If we play like this tommarow we can't lose." We marched back as we came, an awesome team.
  I realized how tired I was as soon as I hit the mattress. I didn't have any dreams and I slept long and hard.
  The next day went by, slow and boring. It was as if there wasn't a huge game going on tommarow. Professor McGonagall was the only teacher who seemed really excited about it. After class, she came up to me. "Good luck Ginny, or as the muggles say, break a leg! Just as long as you don't do it during the game, we have the cup in the bag!" She bounced away like I'd seen some first years do.
  Snape also showed interest. By saying that of course, I mean he took every chance he could to take points (like he thought they were still in the running for the house cup). I was just mouthing the instructions to the potion Snape happened to walk by.
  "20 points from Gryffindor for muttering Ms. Weasly, or should I say Potter?" He whispered in my ear. I almost jumped out of my skin because I didn't know he was behind me in the first place. When I realized what he said my cheeks flushed and got hot. When he left I calmed down and finished the potion.
  That night all of the quidditch players stayed in the common room. We talked about  strategies. Then, we talked about past games. We were talking about the Hufflepuff players until Harry "casually" looked at the time (I said something about Cedric Diggory being their best player). "I think we should all get some sleep." He was tapping his foot angrily. He's so cute when he's jealous.
  It was like an alarm went off because (almost simultaneously) all of the team walked into the common room. It was only 7:30 and the game starts at 10.
  Since we were all up we decided to talk. Apparently, we woke a lot of people up because they came down grumbling about the time.
  Eventually, it was time for breakfast. Somehow, I mostly forgot about the game and ate like a normal person... Then it was time. I really wish I hadn't eaten much.
  As we went onto the feild the screams of Gryffindor and Ravenclaw were so loud! When Hufflepuff walked out the cheers from Slytherin were only halfhearted, Ravenclaw's weren't though. Harry shook hands with the captain and I'm not sure how they still have working fingers.
  We are terrible people. Using the plan we came up with last night... It was a plan worthy only of Slytherin. We let Hufflepuff have the ball, then Fred would hit a bludger at them. If they didn't drop it one of the chasers would get up next to them to try and mess up their shot.
  Once it was Angelina next to one of the bigger guys and he half knocked her off her broom. "Oi! Eat this!" Fred yelled and hit a bludger straight at his face. The bludger missed by not even an inch and he tipped over. I was lazily hovering only half keeping an eye on the seeker (Cedric). Watching out for him was George's job. Whenever he turned his head quickly or looked like he was going somewhere George hit a bludger toward him.
  We had 80 points up when I decided to look for the snitch. I saw a golden glint and went after it. Cedric had stopped looking at me for the snitch, so by the time he saw me it was too late. I almost had the snitch. It was only 4 feet off the ground and close to our goals.
  I have to give him credit though, he did try to catch up. I caught the snitch but couldn't slow down in time to keep from hitting the ground. I slid off the broom but landed on my ankle.
  Harry was closest so as soon as the whistle blew to end the game he got there first. "You can be such a hippocrate sometimes Gin." He said as he helped me up. "What do you mean?" I couldn't put weight on my ankle and he caught me as I fell. "The "don't get hurt before I'm finished with you" rule thing. Pretty sure you're hurt and I definitely am not done with you." Instead of staying and taking the cup, he helped me go to Madame Pomfrey. He grinned as he helped me get to there. He doesn't think I noticed. She looked at it quickly. "Just a break... You shouldn't die." She mended it and walked away.
  "Forever?" He asked. I looked at him and smiled like a fool. "Forever." I replied as we walked hand in hand out of the hospital wing.

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