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Ron's P.O.V.
Hermione has been acting strange around Harry and Ginny for the past week. Again today she didn't sit beside me at lunch. I wish a knew what she was thinking, I just hope I don't lose her.
After lunch we all went back to the common room. Ginny went to the lake so she could get some fresh air. I saw she had been studying a rather lot. I wonder what she is studying for, or if it is just to get away from us. I went to my dormitory forwarded get a book for the big potions test we have coming up.
When I came back down I saw Harry and Hermione sitting with their heads close together and in a heated discussion. I went up to them and they immediately jumped apart like an invisible hand pushed them away from each other.
"What did you hear?" Asked Hermione timidly. "Well, I heard you-" I pointed at Hermione, "tell Harry that you hadn't said anything to me. Then I heard you-" I turned to Harry, "tell her that she could just tell me 'our' secret. So if you have something you need to tell me, go ahead and tell me. If it's what I think it is then Lavender is starting to look appealing." I finished in a yell. Hermione looked up at me wide eyed with a look that was a mixture of hurt and anger. Lavender looked at me smiling and winked. Fred and George looked like their favorite program came on. Everybody else either looked excited or uncomfortable.
"Ron," she said quietly, "I love you and I would never cheat on you- with your best friend at that! It hurts me that you think I would ever try and hurt you. No matter what happens, you are mine." Fred walked up to me and whispered, "she isn't lying to you. Angelina gave me the same look when I was suspicious and asked her the same thing. Don't give up on her."
"I'm sorry Hermione, I just couldn't stand losing you." I took her in my arms and kissed her in front of everyone. Fred and George whistled at us. Hermione blushed and back up, "not here." she whispered. "What was it you were going to tell me?" I asked.
"Oh, yeah," she replied, "remember the day when everyone was at Hogsmead. Well I kind of walked in on Harry and Ginny er... making out." I didn't know what to say or how to feel. It was somewhere in between "yeah, my mate almost got some!" and "he will never even look at my sister again." Hermione convinced me not to be angry with them, so now I will have some fun.

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