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Ron's P.O.V.
  We have end-of-year tests in a week. Hermione is the only one even close to ready (she is ready, but panicky at the though). I don't even know why we have to do these. They are just stupid things for teachers to grade.
  Harry, Hermione, and I went to the library to study for history of magic test the next day. Hermione has this whole this whole process of how to study. It was a lot of goblin revolutions and there was some house-elf stuff, something about trolls and giants (either a war or an agreement I don't know).
  The next day we studied transfiguration. There wasn't much we could transfigure, so we mostly read the transfiguration book. We all went up to the dormitory and I (finally) succeeded in turning a pillow into a rabbit and back. When we finished it was late and when I laid down, my pillow had fur...
  The day after, we studied charms. We went to one of the empty classrooms. The first one we went to... well, Peeves was in it. When we found one and got settled we started practicing summoning charms. Hermione was making erasers fly everywhere and distracted me. "Hermione, stop. You're getting a little too excited with the erasers." She looked at me weird. "Fine, but you better get something to move." I looked around and focused on a piece of chalk. "Accio chalk!" It flew at me and I caught it. Hermione huffed and eventually made a desk slide over. She looked like the hoarder queen.
  We did banishment charms and Harry hit me in the back of the head with a book. "I'm so sorry." He said when he wasn't doubled over laughing. Somehow, Hermione got glasses of water and we did draught charms.
  After classes the next day, we tried to look in our monster book of monsters, but we couldn't open them so we skipped it. It was probably something to do with blast ended skrewts. Now, those things were monsters.
  There was nothing we could do for herbology so we skipped that too. "Do you need to study for divination?" Harry, Hermione, and I doubled over in fits of laughter. We got the rest of the day to do whatever while Hermione studied for Ancient Runes or Muggle Studies or whatever else.
  We went into the common room and fell onto chairs. After 10 minutes of doing nothing, Ginny popped in. "Hey, Harry I thought you were studying... what happened?" She pointed to his arm where the book bit him.
  "A book." She looked confused, then shook her head. "I was about to give up, but will you help me practice some spells?" He nodded and they left.
  After classes ended for the day we practiced Defense Against the Dark Arts. It was really easy considering how much we've learned from this year and last. We did sheilds and hexes, easy things like that. Harry got bored and made a patronus. The silver stag ran around the classroom and vanished. "Harry, how do you do that?" He looked over at Hermione.
  "First think of your happiest memory. It has to be extremely happy." I thought of the first time hermione kissed me;  we were out de-gnoming the garden. I remember something about a house elf.  I had said I wouldn't wish anything this bad on a house elf. "You do have a heart!" She had turned to me and said. She ran up at me and wrapped her arms around me. Then we kissed. It was amazing.
  We nodded and he went on, "alright, EXPECTO PATRONUS!" The stag went around the room again. Hermione and I both made the wand motion Harry did.
  "Expecto Patronus!" An otter flew aroundaround hermione's head. Some kind of dog went running on circles at my feet. Great, I had the retarded one. "Great, you guys got it was faster than me! Just don't tell anyone about it, I don't want to have to deal with that." We nodded and left. I was exhausted, yet excited.
  We went to class and found Hermione when they ended. She looked at us and laughed (we had just gotten out of divination so we looked like we were about to fall asleep on the spot even if it was right before lunch). "Okay, well, right now we study potions so you better wake up." Harry groaned and we followed her as slowly as we dared.
  We didn't have anywhere to go or anything to work with so we went to the library. With all of our potion books out on the table we started studying. "why are we doing this now? We usually do it after all of the classes are done." Hermione looked shocked. "Stop complaining Ron. I figured it would take all day to do this."
  After 20 minutes of studying Harry got a look on his face that said he had an idea. I wouldn't have been surprised if a lightbulb popped up over his head. "I know what we're going to have to do for Snape's test." My head snapped up. "What do you think Harry?" He nodded his head. "He's going to poison someone." Hermione looked at him and shook her head. "But, he can't... Can he?" I shrugged my shoulders.
  "I don't know but we better study the antidote." We skipped lunch and studied that until we could practically say it with our eyes closed. I hope he doesn't test Neville's potion on anyone... Except Malfoy.
  I was sure we wouldn't have to study anything else. I was right... Sort of. We got out of potions and I was ready to relax. Hermione had other plans. She said we were going to go through our studying again.
  Luckily Harry and I talked her out of doing most of the way. She wouldn't give up on charms and History of Magic, but I could deal with that. I got prepared for two more days of studying so I could have a day before the tests.

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