First Quidditch Match

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Ron's P.O.V.

Hermione and I ate breakfast quickly so we could go out and see the first quidditch match of the season. Gryffindor against Slytherin. The match was starting soon so we raced to get good seats. We got some right in front of Hagrid (he saved us seats), who said, "don't yeh ever separate?"

As Slytherin walk out we all booed- except for Slytherin students, of course. Then Gryffindor walked out- Harry, Fred and George, Alicia Spinnet, Angelina Johnson, Katie Bell, then Ginny. The cheers were so loud, they were almost deafening- then I noticed Harry and Ginny had switched brooms! I pointed it out to Hermione and she said "awwwww, that's cute... and a really good choice if she's seeker and he's keeper. I read in Quidditch Through the Ages that the seeker should have one of the best brooms and the keeper could have the least." I sighed at her know-it-allness.

The match started with Slytherin having the ball. They tried to shoot almost 3 times but Harry blocked them all! The crowd cheered at every block. It took me a little while to find Ginny. She was way up high (probably) chasing the snitch. She was going fast and making sharp turns every couple of seconds... and she had Malfoy right behind her. She made a sudden stop and Malfoy flew right into her she slid forward, off of her broom. She only had one hand on it. In the other she was holding a fist in the air. I was confused until I saw it glitter golden in the sun. "GRYFFINDOR WINS BY 190 POINTS!!" shouted Lee Jordan. We were all rushing out of the stands as Ginny tried to get back up on the broom. She lost her grip and fell as I saw Harry rush towards her. She landed straight on the back of the broomstick as the other one fell. Everybody cheered as they came down.

Harry's P.O.V

After the lunch everyone 3rd year and above except for me, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, the twins, and a few others from Gryffindor stayed. Ron told me he was taking Hermione to the library to study and asked if I wanted to go with them I refused and said I would stay in the common room. Nobody except for me and Ginny were left in the common room after about 10 minutes.

"Come here," I told her, "I want to show you something." We walked up to my dormitory and I soon as I closed the door I turned and pinned he against the wall and kissed her. It was a hard deep kiss and she put her hands up my shirt, her nails digging into my skin. She leaned against the wall and wrapped her legs around my waist. I lifted her up and pushed her on to the bed.

All of a sudden there were voices in the common room, one was Ron the other was Hermione. We paused for only a moment. It was like someone put a permanent stick spell on us. Hermione said "I left my book up there, I'll get it." "alright, ill just stay here." Replied Ron. We didn't listen any longer because Hermione's dormitory was on the completely other side.

The next thing we heard was the door open. By this time Ginny was facing the door. We both jumped/fell of the bed on different side. "Oh. My. God. I am so sorry. Just- got- get- book- floor." Hermione said as Ginny said, "Please just don't tell Ron." They exchanged this look, nodded their heads and Hermione left.

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