Star Gazing

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Ginny's P.O.V.
  When Harry and Ron came back I thought Harry looked a little strange. "What did he say Harry?" I had to shove him off his seat to get his attention. "What?!" He said when he got back up. "I asked you, what he said, Harry." I sighed at him. "I'll tell you later." I hate it when he does that.
  As we were walking back I told him my idea... Well, surprise. "I have something planned already." He looked confused, but apparently he figured it out because he nodded. "It's a surprise and you have to wait until tomorrow night." He mock pouted. "Whyyy do we have to waiiit? I wanna not be bored nowww." I smacked him on the side of his head. "Stop complaining, I'll tell you why tomorrow." We walked back the rest of the way in silence.
  The next day went by slowly. I think it's because Harry kept badgering me to tell him what we were going to do.
  Finally dinner was over and we walked back to the common room. "Harry, get the cloak, I don't know how long we'll be out there." He jumped around like an excited puppy. We went out when it was good and dark.
  "Put it over there by the lake, by the way we went yesterday. Stop! Right there." He put it down and sat on it. "What're we doing, Gin?"  I came over and sat down too. "Looking at stars." He wasn't expecting that. "You're starting to sound like Luna." I rolled my eyes and laid back. "It may be dark but I saw that."
  He laid back too and I pointed out the constellations that I knew. "That one is Orion's belt. There's Pegasus. And that's Zoë the Huntress." I got comfortable with my head on his chest, holding his hand. "There's the little and big Dippers." He offered, "and that's Venus." I started laughing. "No, Harry, that's the North Star." He sighed. "Why do we then need stars?"
  After about 10 minutes of just looking at the stars Harry broke the silence. "Gin... Er... Have you seen the way they lok at you?" Who are they? "No, who, by any chance, are they..."
  "Uh, you know, just them. Anyways, what I really want to ask you is, erm, have you- I mean not that it matters too much but- have you been with anyone else?" I shot up. "No! Harry, what would make you think that?!" He shrugged "I don't know, just curious." I laid my head back down. "Well then, have you been with anyone else... I mean, besides Cho?"
  He blushed and I felt mildly satisfied. "No, actually. Not very popular in the muggle world, with the Dursley's and all." It is amazing how bad a rather famous  wizard can be treated in the muggle world.
  "I love you." He whispered in my ear. I smiled. "Forever?" I asked and I could feel his happiness. "Forever." I sat back up and put my hands on his chest and straddled his waist. "Then I guess I have you trapped." He smiled evilly. That's not what I expected.
  "I hate to contradict you, but..." He pushed me off and reversed it. Now he was on me and I definitely was trapped, but I wasn't complaining about that. "... I think you're the one that's trapped."
  I tried to get away, but I was laughing so hard, I could barely breath. He kissed me and my laughing stopped. My breath caught and he sat up. "You okay?" I pulled him back, "well, I was and then you stopped kissing me." I smiled and he was kissing me again.
  It was amazing, just being out there. The air was a warm caress, but it had nothing on Harry. We were close and I could feel past the fabric. He was holding me in his arms and it was amazing.
  I could have stayed there all night, but eventually we made it back in, via a secret passage on the map. It was cooler in the castle, but not cold. Either way I shivered when we walked in. Harry pulled me into him and we stayed like that (under the cloak) all the way back.

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