"Mudblood." He Called Her

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Harry's P.O.V.
  Everyone is using the common room as a big study group place, so we are just avoiding it. Ginny was comically swinging my arm while we walked. "Ginny why are you doing that?" She looked at me inoccently. "I'm not doing anything, unless you were okay with it." She was giggling and we went outside.
  "So, what've you got planned?" She started swinging our arms again. "Oh, we're going to go out to the woods and call Sirius and demand he tell stories." She nodded. "Why are we doing that and not something different, Harry?" I stopped. "Because, if someone else says something about or to us, I don't know what will happen. Probably, some slugs will be thrown up." She started laughing again. "Okay then, but I pick next."
  We went around the lake to look less suspicious. "Sirius... I'm pretty sure you're out here, you don't have anything else that you need to do." I called to the seemingly empty woods. A black doig ran up to Ginny and I.
  In an instant it transformed into Sirius (person form, obviously). "You're not supposed to be in the woods, but since when have you ever listened to rules. Just like your father. So, what do you want?" We walked a little farther into the woods. "We don't have anything to do so..."
  "You are in need of entertainment. I can provide that. I will tell you about... I don't know. You'll see when I can think of one." I nodded.
  We sat down and got comfortable. Ginny put her legs over mine and her head on my shoulder. Her hair was in my face and it smelled like flowers and, ironically, strawberries. "Gin, your hair smells nice, but I kind of need to breathe."
  "Sorry." She said and put her hair up. She put her head back and Sirius started talking. "I will yell you about when I knew Jily was going to be a thing."
  "Alright, it was just after our O.W.L.s. James, Remus, Peter, and I were walking out to get some fresh air. James got a snitch (I don't know how, though) and was letting it go a little bit, then catching it. "Did you like question 10, Moony?" I asked Remus. "Loved it. 'Give 5 signs that identify a werewolf.' Excellent question." He said and laughed. James looked over in mock seriousness. "D'you think you managed to get all the signs?" He looked around at us.
  "Think I did," he said seriously, "1: he's sitting in my chair. 2: he's wearing my clothes. 3: his name's Remus Lupin..."  Wormtail didn't laugh, he could never take a joke. He looked anxious. "I got the snout shape, the pupils of the eyes, and the tufted tail, but I couldn't think what else-" James turned to him. "How thick are you, Wormtail? You run around with a werewolf once a month-"
  "Keep your voice down." Remus warned. I changed the subject, amazingly, as always. "Well, I thought the paper was a piece of cake, I'll be surprised if I don't get Outstanding on it, at least." I did get an Outstanding on it, actually. Remus watched the snitch. "Where'd you get that?"
"Nicked it." He probably didn't. Maybe just asked for it. Those teachers had a soft spot for him when it came to quidditch.
  Once in a while, James made a really good catch and Peter would trip over himself in excitement. It was getting rather annoying. "Put that away, will you? Before Wormtail wets himself from excitement." James grinned and put it away. "If it bothers you." I was the only one who could do that, sometimes Remus, but not usually.
  It was boring out there even with everything else going on. "Wish it was a full moon." I said to them. Lupin looked at me darkly. "You might." I felt sorry instantly. I had forgotten about all the pain he went through during the transformation.
  "We've still got transfiguration, if you're bored you could test me. Here" he said holding out his book. I scoffed. "I don't need to look at that rubbish. I know it already." Remus didn't either but, you know.
  James looked at me and grinned. "This'll liven you up, Padfoot, look who it is..." I turned to where he was looking. I could sense him already. "Excellent." I said, "Snivellus." We stood up and followed him. Remus and Peter stayed where they were though...
  James got his attention. He moved like he expected it. His wand was only halfway up when James acted. "Expelliarmus!" He shouted and Snivellus- I mean Snape's wand flew out of his hands. He wasn't even halfway to it. "Impedimenta!" His feet flew out from under him.
  A lot of the people laughed. Remus was "reading" his book. Such a killjoy. "How'd the exam go, Snivellus?" He looked at us angry. "I was watching him. His nose was touching the parchment. There will be grease marks all over it. They won't be able to read a word!"
  He stood up panting. You... Wait. You... Wait." I laughed at him. "What will you do. Wipe your nose on us?" He said a mix of swearing and hexes, but he didn't have his wand so there wasn't much for him.
  James looked at him... Well rather like Molly if you can picture it. "Wash out your mouth. Scourgify!" A girl from the lake came rushing up. She had dark red hair that fell to her shoulders. It was Lily. "Leave him ALONE!" She screeched. James turned and he automatically tried to "fix" his hair. "All right, Evans?" He sounded different. Like he always did when she was around. He seriously went crazy.
  "Leave him alone Potter. What's he done to you?" She looked at him like she could Avada Kedavra him on the spot. "Well..." He said to her, "it's more the fact that he exists if you know what I mean..."
  Only Remus and Lily weren't laughing. I laughed because I knew that was only half true. Everyone else laughed because they thought it was true. I knew that James hated him for the pure fact that Snape new Lily longer.
  What happened next sealed the deal. "I don't need help from a mudblood." That is exactly what Snape said. She looked at him, shocked. She quickly recovered. She was turning to leave when James attempted to be a hero. "Apologize to her." He had his wand pointed at him. "No! I don't want your help. You're just as bad as him." She left and Snivellus ran away. Then, I wasn't sure it would be James she was with. But it damn sure wouldn't be Snape." He finished the story and we sat there in silence for a second.
  "But, if she hated him, when did they get together?" I asked. He laughed. "They made themselves "public" in 7th year, but they were together before that." We must have looked confused because he added, "the map. Remember, we made it." I nodded. Girls are very confusing. They could simply say it if they liked you, but oh no! That would be way too easy.
  It was almost dinner time when we got back inside and Ginny and I changed, because we had been outside. We were about to leave when Ron came over and pulled me aside. I figured he wanted to see just me so I said, "Gin, why don't you and Hermione go and we'll catch up with you."
  "Harry, I've been thinking... Erm. Yeah." He said. "Thinking is dangerous." I nodded as I said it. "Well, have you seen the way they look at Ginny? I mean, you probably haven't... They would be dead but, do me a favor, please?" I nodded and he continued, "find out if Ginny had been with anyone else. Will you do that? I- it's- I don't know really. Just... Please?"
  "Anything for a Weasly." We went to dinner and I tried to figure out a time to fulfill my mission.

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