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Harry's P.O.V.
Christmas finally came and I was the first one up. The reason being that Dobby the free house elf was standing over me, poking me between the eyes. When I woke up startled Dobby kindly said, "Merry Christmas Harry Potter." That woke me up completly and I jumped so far I almost fell off the bed.
"Dobby don't wake me up like that!" I said/yelled. "Dobby is sorry, Dobby just wanted to wish Harry Potter a Merry Christmas." Dobby said and gave me a present, "this is for you, I paid for it with the money Dumbledore pays Dobby." With that he left "thank you Dobby, for the gift!" I called after him.
"RON, GET UP IT'S CHRISTMAS!" I yelled throwing whatever I could grab at him. I forgot that there are more people in the dormitory and succeeded in waking them up too. We all opened our presents immediately.
I got homeade pumpkin pastries and my usual sweater from Mrs. Weasly, socks from Dobby, rock cakes from Hagrid, Bertie Bot's Every Flavor Beans from Ron, a homework planner from Hermione, and special muggle candy from Ginny.
I went down to the common room to wait for Ginny. She came down about 5 minutes later in a sweater that was 2 sizes too big, but it had a G on it, so it must be hers. She came over and sat on the arm of my chair. We realized the problem when Fred and George came down, everyone in their sweaters, the only thing was that George's sweater was so small it showed his stomach, it had a G on it though.
"Give me my sweater George and you can have yours." Ginny told him. "NO! I like this one better and it came to me, so it's mine." He jerked away from her and sat on the couch. Ron and Fred were doubled over in laughter.
Hermione came down, looked at Ginny and George, then immediately left, sighing. "You know it's my sweater and not yours because this one is way too big." Ginny tried even harder to convince him. "Mom probably made that one so big because she doesn't want you to be all over Harry." George replied matter-of-factly. She blushed and fell off the arm of the chair... Into my lap. "Already at it?!" George said. Fred was rolling on the floor laughing and Ron fell over onto the couch.
We went through the day George, still in the sweater, until professor McGonagall saw him at lunch. "Mr. Weasly?" She said her eyebrows raised. "Yes?" Ron, George, and Fred answered. "George Weasly, what are you wearing?" She asked him her eyebrows creeping up her forehead. "A sweater, professor. Haven't you ever seen one?"
She deep sighed and looked at Ginny, "that one is yours, correct?" She paused and Ginny nodded. "Mr. Weasly, give her the sweater back, please." She said exasperated. "But professor, what will I wear?" He asked seriously. She sighed and went back to the staff table.

just a school year  ( a potter fan fiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora