Special Visits

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Harry's P.O.V.
  We were eating breakfast and the mail came. I got a letter, which was weird, because I never get letters. I looked to see who sent it and the next weird thing happened. It wasn't marked. I decided to wait until I got back to the dormitory to open it.
  I ate my breakfast fast and told Hermione, Ron, and Ginny I would see them later. I rushed to the dormitory and sat on the bed. I ripped open the letter and read it.
             I know you are coming to Hogsmead tommarow. Make sure you go to the edge of town, closest to the mountains. There will be a very handsome black dog. You should bring food. Chicken tastes good as well.
  I knew exactly who it was before I even read the signature. How did he know we were going tp Hogsmead. Hermione will flip.
  When Ron came back I showed him the letter. "Who is Padfoot?" He asked me. "Really?! It's not like we risked our souls to free them." Ron still looked confused so I smacked him on the side of the head... It worked. "Ooh, Sir-" he started.
  "Shut-up Ron!" I told him slpping my  hand over his mouth. He nodded vigorously. "Why do you always hit me?" He whined. I couldn't find a time to tell Hermione so I guess I'll have to tell her tommarow. Luckily, I found out from the twins how to get to the kitchens.
 After everyone was asleep I grabbed the map and cloack. As I went to leave Ron got up. "I'm going too!" He whispered. I sighed and we got under the cloak. We had to scrunch together. It wasn't as pleasant as when it was Ginny. It wasn't pleasant at all.
 When we got there Dobby walked up and greeted us. "Harry Potter! What does Harry Potter need?" Dobby asked. A group of about 10 house elves came up to us. That didn't even make a dent in their numbers. "Uh, just chicken I guess." Before I finished talking they game me 2 almost whole chicken.
  At the same time another elf was pulling fresh pastries out. "Does Harry Potter or his Wheezy need anything else?" He asked practically bouncing off the walls at the thought. "My what?!" I asked. "Your Wheezy." He said like it was obvious, pointing at Ron. I burst out laughing, but Ron was too occupied by the pastries.
 "Yeah, now that you mentioned it, those look good." He said, pointing at the pastries. The elves gave him as many as he could shove into his pockets.
  "Bye Harry Potter!" Called Dobby as we left. I almost forgot about the cloak because Dobby always makes it feel like the middle of the day.
  I was up before Ron, so I went to the common room. Hermione was down there and I told her about the letter. She understood who it was before Ron did. I don't know if that was good or bad. "What if someone sees him? What if someone mistakes him for their own pet? What if he can't make it?" She said. "Hermione, shut up and calm down. It will be alright."
  Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and I went to Hogsmead and went to the edge and waited. It only took about 5 minutes for him to  come. In that time we filled Ginny in. She already knew most of it but we told her about the letter, the kitchen. and all of the house elves.
  "You didn't try to tell them about being free or anything?!" Hermione said shrilly. Ron sighed, "no Hermione, we didn't, they like their job here." He said.
  The  dog came and jerked his head saying (without talking) "come on." Hermione opened her mouth to say something but before she could Ron blurted out, "what if the sky caves in?!" Hermione stomped along muttering what sounded like "what if I jinx you in the face?"
  We followed him to a cave where he transformed into Sirius Black, my godfather, who is a convicted murderer, even though he didn't kill anyone. He looked at me. "Did you bring food?" He asked. I took out the chicken and he sat down.
  Eating and talking he asked, "I know you two." He said pointing at Ron and Hermione, "but who are you?" He pointed at Ginny. I stepped closer and Sirius grinned. "You must be Ginny then." He said to a cave full of confused looks. "Molly told me about you." He said and we all nodded in unison.
  "Sit down, get comfertable!" He said finishing off the last of the chicken. "Ginny, come here for a second." He said and she shuffled over. "First, I won't bite you and-" be whispered something into her ear and she tried not to laugh. She walked back over to where I was sitting and looked like she was having a seizure.
  "Alright Gin, since you're having an attack will you go and get -Sirius, do you want a butterbeer- 5 butterbeers?" She nodded and I put 3 galleons in her hand.

Sirius's P.O.V.
  I watched Ginny leave and turned back to Harry. "Molly told me that because I'm your godfather, that I should tell you something like girls are fragile or whatever. Personally, I think she's wrong, that doesn't mean you can go around messing with girls though."  I said with a mock serious face that turned serious as I finished. He nodded. "Anyway, with that out of the way, how is school?" He looked at Hermione then looked back. "Um, like school, I guess." He said.
  Ginny came back, gave everyone a butterbeer, and sat next to Harry, reminding me of James and Lily. I told her that if he was anything like James he would show off whenever she's around I told her about how James stopped messing with Severus because she asked him too. I told her to have fun with her newfound power.
  We spent most of the day just talking, sharing stories, and whatever else. I told them about Snivellus- I mean Severus. We had a great time.
  When they left I watch Harry and Ginny walk away hand in hand. They looked so much like James and Lily. Maybe, just maybe... "James?" I called.
  I realized how stupid that was when Harry turned around. "Did you say something?" He said. I shook my head and sighed as they left again.

just a school year  ( a potter fan fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang