The First Day

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Ginny's P.O.V.
  We did all of our tests yesterday. I am so happy because we don't have any more. It was pure torture, being away from Harry this long and being stressed. I only saw him once and literally all we did is practice spells. I really hope he doesn't have more tests after today's.
  When I woke up he was nowhere to be seen. It was just before breakfast so I guessed that's where be would be. I got down there and looked around. I used to hate walking in here alone because all of the Slytherins would jeer or shout at me. Now, they jump back. I am an amazing person that can make 5th years cower.
  I sat down by Ron and still couldn't find Harry. "Where's Harry, Ron?" I asked when he clared his plate. He looked at me surprised. "He's still asleep... When did you get here?" Hermione laughed. "She got here about halfway through that plate." He looked down at the empty plate. "Oh. Anyways, Harry is asleep." I nodded and got some breakfast. I ate quickly and left.
  I stealthily crept up the stairs. I opened the door and there was no one else in there. I sat and waited for at least 15 minutes to see if he would wake up. I picked up a pillow and went up to him "HARRY GET UP I'M BORED!!" I yelled at him while hitting him with the pillow.
  "What?! Who's there?! Expelliarmus!" He shot blindly towards me. "Harry, its just me, Ginny. What's wrong?" I said it calmly as he put his glasses on. He glared at me. "Why did you do that?"
  "You wouldn't get up. What else was I supposed to do, silly?" I batted my eyelashes at him. "You better be glad you're cute. What time is is?" I sighed. "It's just after 10, you missed breakfast." He groaned and got up.
  "Do you have any more tests?" He yawned and stretched. "Nope. I have all week to do nothing." He smiled. "Nothing as in staying with me the whole time, you mean." He nodded and made a mock shocked face. "You thought anything different?" He walked up to me and hugged me.
  "Now who's being sucky?" He looked at me. "Stop being weird." We started laughing. "That's part of the deal, I thought you knew that." He pushed me against the wall. "Forever."
  I stood on my toes and kissed him. I put  my arms on his shoulders and my hands through his hair. He pushed me harder against the wall. I pushed myself up onto one of the desks. I curved to his body. He grabbed my hair and tilted me head so we could get closer. His hand went down my back. "More," I thought, "I needed more." My hands found their way down his shirt and my nails dug into his back.
  "Do you know how much I love you?" He asked me when he pulled away. "No, shut and kiss me." I pulled him back to me and he grinned. "This much." He pulled me off the desk and fell backwards on the bed. I straddled his waist and pushed him down. "Forever." I said as I kissed him again.
  The door opened and Dean walked in. I fell off the bed and Harry got up. "Really?!" He threw his hands up. "Er... Um... I'm just gonna put this down and leave I think." He dropped something on his bed and left.
  I realized that my shirt was up over my stomach, it had probably been like that when he walked in. I pulled it down and sighed. "Now, what are we going to do?" I asked him and brushed myself off. "I don't know... Why don't we just go down to the common room?"
  We walked down there and saw the twins and other 6th years pouring over books. "Let's not stay in here." I whispered and we left.
  We ended up finding Ron and Hermione over by the lake and went towards them.
The rest of the day was dull compared to before Dean just had to walk in there. At least we have all week.

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