Quidditch Tryouts

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Luna's P.O.V.

  I giggled. I really like to giggle. Oohh and I like charms and potions. And also I like being a Ravenclaw. I get to share a room with Ginny, too. She's really nice to me. She does call me "Loony" Lovegood, but I don't think she means it the same way other people do.

  "Ooo, look it's a blibbering humdinger!" I said to no one, I guess I talk to myself a lot. It's almost time for quidditch tryouts, I really like watching those. Everybody says I'm such a good person to have around then because I make everyone happy. I'm proud of myself, it's been almost one month since I found out the secret, and I didn't tell anybody!

  Here comes Neville, he's a really good person too. I can feel it in him. He's brave enough to be him and embraces his differences.

  Ooo, it time to go.

Ginny's P.O.V.

  I am so nervous, what if I'm the only person that wants to be a seeker. Harry won't judge me because we trained together, he will probably ask someone from Ravenclaw, they are good people.

  I'm in the sky looking for the golden snitch as I see another person looking too. I see them find it and go flying after it, so do I. now it's a battle of who can go faster. I have to remember to thank Harry again for helping me.

  I am just past- whoever that is- behind me. I can almost reach the snitch. Almost there... almost there... I leaned forward and went a little faster. THERE! I caught it! Who do I take it to? Harry I guess... well here I go.

  I'm trying to look not at all exited as I walk to him. He meets me halfway. "What's wrong?" he has a worried expression that turns to excitement as I open my hand and he sees the snitch in my hand. I realized I don't know a whole lot of people as he brings a Gryffindor over. "She caught it." Harry says. "alright we have a seeker then!" the boy says, "all people who tried out for seeker please come down. About five other people came down. "We have a seeker, you are dismissed." Harry said.

  They left grumbling as Luna came up to me "hey Ginny... and Harry." She said with a sly smile "hey Looney Lovegood." I replied, "How are you?" "I'm good and congratulations!"

  After a little while Harry announced for everyone to come down so he could announce the team. I went over to the side with Ginny and we were blocked by a group of tall boys.

Ron's P.O.V.

  I saw Ginny go up to Harry with the snitch. I was really proud of her. I knew she was automatically on the team now. As Harry called everyone down (he is a really good captain now that I think about it) I saw Ginny go away with Luna. That just made me more confused.

  I pulled Hermione out of her book and pushed her hair behind her ear. She is just so beautiful. I missed some of Harry calling out the team because of Hermione being angry that I made her stop reading. She's angry at me a lot.

  Ginny's was the last name Harry called. Harry looked around; there was Ginny running towards him (from across the field), with a hard, blazing look on her face as she threw her arms around him. And without thinking, without worrying about the fact fifty people were watching (Hermione and I included), Harry kissed her.

  I ran down from the stands not sure whether to be happy or angry with Hermione right on my heels. Hermione got there first and said "awwwww!" now I guess I had to be happy. I was okay with that, she was in good hands. Harry had saved her life before.

  I guess now would be the best time to tell him Hermione and I were together to. I told him and he said "I figured that much out on my own... I am smarter than Malfoy." Everybody was laughing and cheering and kissing (Hermione and I included)! <3

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