Some Therapy

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Hermione's P.O.V.
  "I hate him. I officially hate him. Ron is such an emotionally lacking teaspoon!" Ginny has just come in after I left Ron and she told me she was just here to listen. Apparently fucking not. "Why  Hermione? What happened?"
  "I was walking in and what do I see? Ron! With a fucking Hufflepuff slut in his arms! 'It wasn't what you think, Hermione.' He said, 'She tripped and fell into me.' I hate him!" I was screaming. Not necessarily at her, but I to her. She was trying to be nice and understanding and I should probably try being nice, but I don't fucking care anymore.
  "Hermione, maybe- and you know I wouldn't say this if it wasn't a possibility- but, what if he was telling you the truth. I mean, the way he looks at you... It's, just... wow."
  I kind of lost my temper. "Who's side are you on Ginny?! I am nothing but nice to you- I even told you to be yourself and Harry would like you more! This is how you repay me?! By telling me excuses for him?!"
  At first, I was pacing and yelling and angry. Then, all of a sudden, I was crying on my bed and insanely sad. Ginny sat beside me. "It's okay Hermione. Don't be upset. I would act like this too. Why don't we go down there and ask Ron or someone what actually happened. You guys can get back together like nothing ever happened. You were made for each other."
  I sat up and wiped my face. "No. He can sit in his own mess for a while. At least until he figures out some other emotions Until then, I didn't shed a tear for him. Okay?" She made a zip over her lips and nodded. I was going to wait until my face cleared up to leave, so Ginny said she would stay with me.

Ron's P.O.V.
  I was just walking by and some Hufflepuff girl "tripped". That's what she said happened at least. I instinctively reached out to her. I caught her and stopped her fall. And, at that second, Hermione came in.
  She saw me and the smile on her face vanished. She just stood there gaping at me. I realized Ms. Whoever it was, was still in my arms and I pushed her away. "I'm done!" Hermione screeched and ran off. I shoved the girl and ran after Hermione.
  I finally caught up with her. "Hermione, that wasn't what you think it was. She tripped into me and you walked in. I don't even know her name!" She brushed me off and I let her go. No amount of the truth would bring her back.
  When I was pretty sure she was far enough ahead I walked back to the common room. I heard her screaming at someone. I saw Harry alone and figured it was probably Ginny.
  We walked up to the dormitory. "What happened, emotional teaspoon?" He laughed half heartedly. "A Hufflepuff tripped and I caught her. Hermione has some timing to die for." He laughed that time too. "I got that much from Hermione... But did she actually trip into you or..."
  "No! She did trip. I wouldn't do something like that!" He nodded. "I believe you." We sat in there for a long time. Someone (probably Hermione) went stomping down some stairs. I went down to meet her.
  "Hermione, just hear me out. I don't know who she was, I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I promise. Hermione, please!" She pushed me away again. Ginny was following her and I caught her eye.
  "She's torn up" she mouthed. I sighed and they left. Guess I would have no dinner today.

Hermione's P.O.V.
  As we left out I heard Ron sigh. I think it was a sad sigh. I have never seen that emotion from him. Maybe, I think that wasn't what I think it was. We walked in to the great hall and I searched for her. She wasn't there. I ate quickly and went back to the common room. Maybe I could take my mind off of it by reading.
  I couldn't read. I would try to read, but every other sentence was his apology or something about him. I gave up on reading and decided to try and write something. I hate having nothing to do.
  I was zoned out, but still half writing. I didn't know I was writing until the twins came up. "Hey Hermione!" They looked at my paper. "Weasly... So, you have something to tell us?"
  "It's not Ginny, cause she's a girl. Not Ron, cause you literally just broke his heart." Said George. "It's not Percy, cause he's a prat. Not Charlie, you've hardly met him." Fred. "Not Bill, he has Fleur." George. "And it's not me, because I'm with Angelina." Fred. "So, do you have a confession for me?" George said it with a weird smile.
  "No! I don't... I was just... No." I left on the verge of tears. I missed him. Realization smacked into me with too much force. I wish he was here. He would be stupid and speechless and I would laugh. Then he would smile and come closer to me. I was sobbing and somebody burst in.
  "I am so sorry. I took care of them." Ginny said, "are you okay?" She was such a good friend and I was nothing but terrible to her. That made me cry harder. She let me cry and didn't interrupt me.
  Voices were floating up to the room and my sadness turned to anger. Who decided that their problems were so bad they had to tell me to shut up. Well actually, I didn't know what they were saying.
  "Gin?!" I knew that was Harry. He was the only one that calls her Gin. "Hermione! Please come down! People are staring at us! Ron wants you!" Ginny looked over at me and raised her eyebrows. I could read the question perfectly. "Yeah, let's go. I think he is pretty much done sitting." We walked down and Harry immediately took Ginny into his arms.
  Ron was standing by the stairs and I walked up to him. We started talking at the same time so I told him to speak first. "Look, Hermione. I am pretty sure what you saw looked terrible. I wouldn't do anything like that to you ever. But Lavender would. Don't worry, I've taken care of her and the Hufflepuff. No, I didn't kill them, but they got the message. Do you understand?" I nodded. "Then, do you still love me?" I nodded again and he pulled me into his arms and kissed me.

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