chapter 3

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Within the austere confines of the courtroom, Jungkook found himself standing at the precipice of his fate

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Within the austere confines of the courtroom, Jungkook found himself standing at the precipice of his fate.

By his side stood a lawyer, a recommendation courtesy of Hoseok, who had kindly offered to cover the legal fees. Jungkook's heart swelled with gratitude for this lifeline in his darkest hours.

As the legal proceedings began, Jungkook's lawyer waged a valiant struggle to prove his client's innocence. Yet the weight of evidence bore heavily against them—the damning fingerprints on the murder weapon, the inability to provide a concrete alibi for Jungkook during the time of the crime.

These insurmountable barriers led to a verdict that weighed heavily on the judge's conscience. The judge reluctantly announced that Jungkook would remain imprisoned until his innocence could be established beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Jungkook was subsequently transferred to a larger and more imposing prison facility, where the uncertainty of his future loomed like a dark cloud.


Jungkook's first day in this new environment took a nightmarish turn as a forceful slap on his ass sent shockwaves through him. He turned, heart pounding, to face two menacing fellow inmates, their hostile glares suffusing him with an overwhelming sense of dread.

Panic set in as he scanned his surroundings, realising with growing despair that there were no officers in sight to come to his aid. What began as a menacing confrontation escalated rapidly, with Jungkook's cries for mercy falling on deaf ears.

In the midst of sheer terror, one of his assailants grabbed him from behind, while the other subjected him to a horrifying physical assault. Jungkook's body convulsed with fear, and he screamed for help, the chilling sound reverberating through the grim confines of the prison.

Finally, an officer arrived, forcefully separating the aggressors from their helpless victim. The two assailants were led away, presumably to face consequences for their actions.

Jungkook's trembling hands clutched at his arms, his heart still racing. As he stood there, he couldn't escape the traumatic memories of his dark childhood, which seemed to be closing in on him, a relentless shadow haunting his present ordeal.

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Jungkook stood at the sink, diligently washing dishes after the evening meal. The harsh reality of prison life had begun to weigh heavily on him, and he flinched at the sudden presence of someone behind him.

A fellow prisoner offered a brief apology for his abrupt approach, noticing Jungkook's struggle and the fever that had taken hold in the unforgiving prison environment. With concern etched across his face, he engaged Jungkook in conversation, trying to offer some comfort in this harsh setting.

"You can find a way out of this place with a simple solution. If you're interested, I can share it with you," the prisoner offered, hinting at a potential escape from this dire situation.

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