chapter 13

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CHAPTER 13 PART-1  Job triumphs

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CHAPTER 13 PART-1  Job triumphs

As the evening sun painted the sky with hues of warm orange, Jungkook strolled towards his car, flanked by Yugyeom and Jinyoung. The trio had decided to mark their one-month friendship milestone with a celebratory outing to a restaurant, a plan that promised laughter and shared memories.

Amidst the camaraderie, a brief skirmish erupted between Yugyeom and Jinyoung, each advocating for a different dining venue. Jungkook, ever the peacemaker, weighed their suggestions and made the final choice, cementing the beginning of their journey together.

Jungkook revelled in the happiness that these friends brought him. In just one month, they had woven a tapestry of sweet memories, creating a bond that felt both comforting and sincere.

"Guys, the man who will drive is Hyung's important man, not just a driver, so no vulgar jokes, please," Jungkook cautioned, acknowledging Silver's role as more than just a chauffeur.

"Okay, okay," Yugyeom and Jinyoung concurred, understanding the need for respect.

Opening the front door, Jungkook ushered his friends into the backseat. Silver, taken by surprise at the uninvited guests, glanced back to find Jungkook introducing the two boys.

"Silver, this is Jinyoung, and this is Yugyeom, my friends. We want to go to a restaurant," Jungkook explained, the ease with which he introduced his friends reflecting the evolving camaraderie.

"Hi, young people." Silver greeted them with an inviting smile, embodying a warmth that contradicted his stoic exterior.

"Hi, Mr. Silver," Yugyeom complimented. "You're so handsome," Jinyoung added with a playful grin.

Silver chuckled, acknowledging the compliments with a mumbled thank you. Turning to Jungkook, he inquired, "The address?"

Jungkook, familiar with the routine, promptly opened his phone and shared the address. He observed how Silver always ensured to communicate the location before heading anywhere, a precaution ingrained in his habits.

With the address noted, Silver started the car, informing their security team that they would soon arrive. The restaurant had been meticulously checked and secured, as per Taehyung's directive that Jungkook would be there today. The wheels turned, carrying the group towards an evening filled with laughter, camaraderie, and the promise of a delightful celebration.

Jinyoung returned from the washroom, his excitement palpable as he settled back into his chair. The plates before them were now empty, remnants of the snacks they had eagerly devoured.

"Jungkook, I heard from the hotel staff that they need a few more workers," Jinyoung shared, his words carrying a tone of optimism.

"Really?" Jungkook responded, hope lighting up his eyes.

"Yes, but don't raise your hopes too high. We don't know the hours they'll need new staff for," Jinyoung cautioned, well aware of the challenges Jungkook had faced with job timings in the past.

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