chapter 26

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"I'm fine with that too," Jungkook replied, his words carrying an invitation for something more, something deep, that sent Taehyung's heart into a frenzy

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"I'm fine with that too," Jungkook replied, his words carrying an invitation for something more, something deep, that sent Taehyung's heart into a frenzy.

With hurried footsteps, Jungkook disappeared into his room, leaving Taehyung to grapple with the whirlwind of emotions swirling within him.

In the wake of Jungkook's departure, Taehyung found himself enveloped in a wave of confusion and exhilaration. His heart danced with the realisation of Jungkook's invitation.

As Taehyung stepped into the room, the soft glow of the lamp cast shadows that danced across the walls, creating an intimate ambiance in the dimly illuminated space. 

Jungkook's absence did not escape Taehyung's notice as he surveyed the room. The bed, adorned with crisp white linens, beckoned invitingly, its surface a promise of comfort and solace. Perhaps Jungkook lingered in the bathroom, lost in the rituals of nighttime preparation.

With measured steps, Taehyung approached the bed, the creak of the floorboards beneath his feet punctuating the silence that enveloped the room. His gaze drifted to his own attire, clad in the darkness of night, a stark contrast against the pale glow of the lamp. Was he presentable enough for this impromptu arrangement?

A sigh escaped Taehyung's lips as he settled onto the edge of the bed, his thoughts swirling with uncertainty. He had not anticipated sharing the bed with Jungkook tonight; his mind was still wrestling with the ghosts that haunted his sleep. The therapy for his nightmares had been a solitary endeavour, a journey he had embarked upon alone.

Yet, the huge attention of Jungkook's friends to his boyfriend and their clinginess had stirred a longing within him, a desire to seek solace in Jungkook's presence. It was this yearning that had propelled him to extend the invitation, despite his reservations.

Drawing a deep breath, Taehyung resolved to confront his fears head-on. If he remained awake throughout the night, what harm could befall them? He would cradle Jungkook in his embrace, watching over him as he drifted into the peaceful realm of slumber. Yes, it was a simple plan.

Lost in his thoughts, Taehyung was roused from his reverie by the sound of movement. From the depths of the wardrobe emerged Jungkook, his form bathed in the soft light that filtered through the room. Clad in a white tee and half-white pyjamas, Jungkook exuded an aura of serenity.

The lamplight streamed, casting a soft glow over the room as Taehyung extended his hand, inviting Jungkook to join him on the bed. With a slight hesitation, Jungkook slid into Taehyung's open arms, the warmth of their bodies mingling in the cool night air.

They sat side by side, Taehyung's left hand gently grasping Jungkook's shoulder, Jungkook's head finding a comfortable spot on Taehyung's shoulder. Despite the closeness, there was a palpable hesitancy, a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken desires and boundaries that lingered between them, especially after Jungkook's subtle invitation for their relationship to progress further.

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