chapter 11

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"Pack that painting," Taehyung instructed Mr

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"Pack that painting," Taehyung instructed Mr. Jung, his gaze never leaving Jungkook's form.

The man, still visibly flustered, stammered, "Which painting?"

"The one in which he invested his precious four minutes," Taehyung retorted, a sardonic smile playing on his lips.

Mr. Jung furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, feeling stupid.

Pointing towards the seventh painting in the row, Taehyung specified, "7th from here, of this line," extracting his sleek black card.

Hoseok, taken aback by Taehyung's unexpected offer of money, hesitated for a moment. With a sheepish smile, he managed to say, "It isn't necessarily, sir. Consider this art gallery yours." His voice, sweet like honey and smooth like butter, attempted to diffuse any tension that lingered in his veins.

Taehyung levelled him with a scrutinising look, his expression unreadable. Without breaking eye contact, he posed a simple question: "Bullet or card?" The sleek black card remained poised between his index finger and middle finger, a subtle yet potent display of authority.

"You are so sweet, sir. Haha," Hoseok chuckled nervously, opting for the card. He had no intention of upsetting the mafia leader; his every action aimed to ensure the smooth progression of the evening.

In the meantime, Jungkook returned to their vicinity, accompanied by the lady who had been guiding him through the exhibition.

Taehyung turned his attention to Jungkook, inquiring, "Did you enjoy?" A nod from Jungkook conveyed the sheer delight he felt. As an avid admirer of art, the collection had left an indelible mark on him and a visible glow on his face.

With a subtle indication from Taehyung, it was time to leave the gallery. The trio made their way to the awaiting car, where Mr. Jung was meticulously placing the covered canvas in the back seat. Jungkook couldn't help but wonder which art piece had caught Taehyung's discerning eye, sparking a sense of anticipation within him.

Settling into the car, Taehyung and Jungkook prepared for the journey ahead. Jungkook's gaze remained fixed on the mysterious canvas, hidden beneath its protective covering. The anticipation grew, and he couldn't wait to unveil the chosen piece.

As they embarked on their journey, Taehyung turned to Jungkook with a proposition. "We're first going for dinner, and then there's a place where a few famous and talented artists are waiting for us. We'll go there, and if you like the arrangement, we'll start your art classes soon." The prospect of art classes ignited a spark in Jungkook's eyes, opening a new chapter in his artistic journey under the enigmatic guidance of Taehyung. Jungkook gave a nod.

After indulging in a lavish dinner at a luxurious restaurant, the duo arrived at a towering building adorned with a prominent design that spelled out "KM." Jungkook recognised the building instantly, having delved into internet searches about Taehyung in the past. This was the headquarters of the company, where Taehyung held the prestigious title of Chairman-CEO.

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