chapter 14

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In the dimly lit room, Jungkook moved with a sense of urgency, his movements quick and purposeful. With a flick of his wrist, he unplugged his phone from its charger, tucking it securely into the pocket of his blue trousers. Time was of the essence, and he couldn't afford to waste a single moment. With a swift twist of the doorknob, he locked his room behind him, plunging it into darkness before descending the stairs.

Each step echoed through the silent mansion, a testament to the weight of anticipation resting on Jungkook's shoulders. Tonight marked the beginning of a new chapter—his first day at the restaurant, a job he had eagerly awaited.

As he crossed the threshold into the kitchen, he found Chae meticulously arranging the table, her gentle movements in stark contrast to his own hurried demeanour.

Gratitude flooded Jungkook's chest as he pulled out a chair and sank into its comforting embrace. Jungkook's thoughts inevitably drifted to Taehyung through the warmth of his gesture. The spread before him was a testament to Taehyung's thoughtfulness, with each dish carefully selected to cater to his preferences. With a heavy heart, he surveyed the feast laid out before him, each dish a reminder of Taehyung's attentive nature. It was as if Taehyung possessed an innate understanding of Jungkook's likes and dislikes, a knowledge that surpassed even Jungkook's own awareness.

As Jungkook lifted the spoon to his lips, his gaze involuntarily flickered towards the entrance, a silent plea for Taehyung's presence. But the space remained empty, devoid of Taehyung's commanding presence. The absence gnawed at Jungkook's insides—a bittersweet ache.

With a resigned sigh, Jungkook forced himself to focus on the meal before him, each bite a reminder of the void left by Taehyung's absence. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he pushed aside his longing and immersed himself in the simple act of eating.

Soon, Jungkook's gaze instinctively lifted towards the entrance as Taehyung stepped into the dining hall, his exhaustion evident in the weary lines etched upon his features. With a quiet intensity, Jungkook observed Taehyung's movements, his own actions momentarily forgotten as he took in the sight before him.

As Taehyung settled into his usual seat, Jungkook continued to chew his food, his eyes never wavering from Taehyung's form. Concern threaded through Taehyung's words as he urged, "Eat slowly, Jungkook," a gesture of care. With a gentle sweep of his hand, Taehyung pushed back the strands of his ebony hair, a subtle display that tugged at Jungkook's heartstrings.

Humming softly in acknowledgment, Jungkook allowed his pace to slacken, his attention drifting towards Taehyung's worn demeanor. Yet, as he observed Taehyung's movements, a knot of unease coiled in Jungkook's stomach. His appetite waned as he noticed the faint bruises marring Taehyung's jaw, the tender flesh beneath his lip, and the telltale marks tracing along his collarbone.

Biting down on his lip, Jungkook's gaze flickered to Taehyung's actions, his heart plummeting as he witnessed the crimson stain blossoming upon the tissue in Taehyung's hand. A surge of concern welled within him, overshadowing any trace of hunger as he realised the extent of Taehyung's injuries.

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