chapter 23

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"I can still see his face, pleading for us to be together, to share our warmth and comfort each other through the night," Taehyung confessed, his voice heavy with regret, as he leaned back in the chair, allowing the smoke to curl lazily above his ...

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"I can still see his face, pleading for us to be together, to share our warmth and comfort each other through the night," Taehyung confessed, his voice heavy with regret, as he leaned back in the chair, allowing the smoke to curl lazily above his head.

The memory of Jungkook's longing gaze haunted him, a silent plea echoing in his eyes as they parted ways for the night. Taehyung couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that gnawed at him, knowing that he had once again denied Jungkook the solace of their togetherness with a simple "good night."

He couldn't bear the thought of Jungkook feeling alone, especially when they both longed for nothing more than to be in each other's arms. The desire to be there for Jungkook, to comfort him through every moment of their lives, weighed heavily on Taehyung's heart.

Dr. Jung listened intently, the room illuminated by the soft glow of the overhead lights, as Taehyung poured out his thoughts and emotions.

Despite the professional setting, the air between them was relaxed, their shared habit of smoking providing a sense of familiarity and comfort.

In most therapy sessions, smoking would be discouraged due to health concerns and the potential disruption to the therapeutic atmosphere.

However, in their case, it seemed to foster a sense of ease and openness, allowing them to delve into the depths of Taehyung's psyche with honesty and candour.

As the smoke continued to dance in the air, Taehyung's words hung heavy with the weight of his emotions. In that moment, amidst the haze of tobacco and shared vulnerability, Taehyung found solace in the understanding gaze of his therapist, knowing that he was not alone in his struggles.

Dr. Jung's gentle demeanour radiated understanding as she leaned forward, her pen poised delicately over the notepad in front of her. Her warm eyes conveyed empathy, inviting Taehyung to share the depths of his turmoil.

"How have your nightmares been since our last session, Taehyung?" She inquired, her voice soft yet probing.

Taehyung shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his gaze falling to the floor as he absently fidgeted with the cancer stick between his fingers. The weight of his nightmares hung heavy in the air, a constant shadow haunting his every moment.

"It's been... difficult, Doctor," Taehyung admitted, his voice tinged with resignation. "I've been struggling a lot with my nightmares, as always."

Dr. Jung nodded understandingly, her expression a portrait of compassion. "I see. Can you tell me more about these nightmares? Anything different this time?"

Taking a deep breath, Taehyung braced himself to relive the harrowing scenes that tormented his sleep, each night a relentless barrage of memories he wished he could forget. "They're always the same," he began, his voice tinged with anguish. "I'm back in that place, in that moment. The guilt, the fear, her voice... It all comes rushing back. It's like I can't escape."

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