chapter 18

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Taehyung sat against the unyielding wooden door of Jungkook's room, the cold floor offering little comfort to his weary body

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Taehyung sat against the unyielding wooden door of Jungkook's room, the cold floor offering little comfort to his weary body. With a heavy sigh, he removed his shoes, the chill seeping through his socks and biting at his skin.

Leaning back against the door, Taehyung reached for his cancer stick pocket, his fingers fumbling slightly as he retrieved a slender stick of solace. The lighter, a sleek black instrument of temporary relief, clicked open in his hand, casting a brief flicker of light in the dim corridor before igniting the tip of the cancer stick.

As tendrils of smoke curled lazily around him, Taehyung's thoughts drifted to the tumultuous events that had led them to this moment. His heart weighed heavy with regret and longing, and the ache of their fractured bond was palpable in the air.

The corridor was cloaked in a heavy silence, broken only by the rhythmic echo of Taehyung's lighter clicking open and closing. Each metallic sound reverberated through the stillness, a sombre reminder of the rift that had formed between them.

Inside the confines of his room, Jungkook stirred restlessly, the persistent sound of Taehyung's lighter a haunting refrain in his ears. With a heavy heart, he rose from his bed, fingers trembling with unspoken emotions.

Seated on the edge of his mattress, Jungkook's thoughts swirled with regret and remorse, a bitter taste lingering on his tongue. He knew that Taehyung's presence outside his door was a silent plea for reconciliation, a desperate bid to bridge the chasm that had grown between them.

Jungkook's heart somersaulted in his chest as the metallic click reverberated through the air once more. The sound of Taehyung's incessant smoking pierced through Jungkook's consciousness like a dagger, each inhalation a painful stab to his heart.

With a heavy sigh, Jungkook flicked on the light switch, flooding the dim expanse of his room with harsh illumination. 

His gaze drifted to the wall clock, a silent witness to the passage of time. One hour had passed since Taehyung had stood vigil outside his door. Guilt gnawed at Jungkook's conscience as he grappled with the weight of his own indecision.

Biting his lip, Jungkook approached the door, his movements hesitant yet resolute. With a soft click, he turned the handle, the sound echoing like a gunshot in the silence of the room.

As the door swung open, Taehyung's heart surged with a tumult of conflicting emotions. Relief washed over him like a tidal wave as he stepped into the room without wasting a moment, his senses keenly attuned to the figure that stood before him.

Jungkook, unchanged in appearance, stood a few steps away, a silent sentinel in the midst of chaos. 

For a moment, the room hung heavy with an oppressive silence, the air thick with unspoken words and unshed tears. Taehyung's gaze wandered, and nervousness washed over him. What and how should he talk to Jungkook?

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