chapter 7

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Taehyung took a seat on the edge of the bed with the tray, his gaze remaining on Jungkook, who, feeling scrutinised, turned his eyes downward

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Taehyung took a seat on the edge of the bed with the tray, his gaze remaining on Jungkook, who, feeling scrutinised, turned his eyes downward.

The moment of shock came when Jungkook realised his clothes had been changed. His body reacted with a slight shiver, and he felt a rush of betrayal and hurt as he looked at Taehyung.

Taehyung sensed Jungkook's discomfort and the accusatory glance in his eyes. Swiftly, he attempted to explain himself.

"Listen, I wasn't the one who changed your clothes. It was Mr. Yun, whom you've known for the past week. And for your information, he's an asexual individual, so you don't need to worry about his intentions. We had to change your clothes; it was an emergency situation, and I wasn't in the room when he assisted you," Taehyung clarified, hoping to dispel any concerns or questions that lingered in Jungkook's eyes.

The mafia leader added, "Mr. Yun has been working here for the past fifteen years; he is undoubtedly loyal to KM; you can trust him."

Taehyung's words about Mr. Yun seemed to ease Jungkook's mind, and his face slowly relaxed as the questions faded away.

Moving closer to Jungkook, Taehyung noticed the stiffness in the younger man's posture. He spoke softly, "Let me check your fever," and waited for Jungkook's tentative nod.

Taehyung extended his hand, his fingers gently making contact with Jungkook's forehead. He assessed the temperature; his touch was light and gentle. Then he withdrew his hand and placed it on Jungkook's neck, using the back of his hand to gauge the heat. Afterward, he transferred his hand to his own forehead.

Although Jungkook felt the fragility of his own body, he lacked the courage to speak up and to tell Taehyung not to take such risks that might result in the older man catching a cold.

Taehyung, his voice unwavering, noted, "It's decreased but not completely gone."

He turned his attention to the tray of food and inquired, "Do you feel like eating?" Jungkook remained silent, prompting Taehyung to add, "You still need to eat even if you don't feel like it."

Jungkook couldn't help but form a slight pout at Taehyung's unexpected weird behaviour, a mixture of caring and sternness that both puzzled and intrigued him.

"Sit properly." Taehyung's voice held no hint of emotion as he took the tray from the table.

Jungkook obediently corrected his posture, preparing to eat the meal.

With careful precision, Taehyung placed the tray on Jungkook's lap, ensuring that it was comfortable and not too heavy. The enticing aroma of the freshly cooked food filled the room, instantly lifting Jungkook's mood.

"Is this okay?" Taehyung inquired, seeking assurance that Jungkook felt comfortable with the arrangement.

Jungkook mumbled a quiet "yes," his anticipation growing as he eyed the meal before him.

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