chapter 12

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It's been two weeks since the last update, sorry. Actually, I'm also writing another book, "Clumsy Love," along with it. Please read it and see if you like that book.

I will try to give daily updates from now on.💜💫


Jungkook's adorable bunny teeth seemed to radiate an extra layer of cuteness, making each smile a delightful spectacle that showered its charm on everyone in the vicinity. Those rosy lips became the canvas for his endearing bunny teeth, a visual treat that captivated attention with every second that passed.

Yugyeom couldn't help but comment on the contagious happiness enveloping Jungkook. "Why so happy?" he inquired, observing Jungkook indulging in his lunch, donned in a light yellow sweater and white trousers—a combination that Yugyeom had seen Jungkook wear before, yet it never diminished his level of cuteness.

Jungkook, chewing on his lunch, diverted his gaze from the tray to Yugyeom and then to Jinyoung, eager to share the source of his joy. "He allowed me to do a job," Jungkook revealed, his excitement from the previous night lingering into the day, seeking an outlet through conversation.

"That's good news," Yugyeom responded with a smile, realizing that Jungkook's morning glow was attributed to his boyfriend.

However, Jinyoung, always the pragmatist, questioned the nature of Jungkook's joy. "What do you mean by 'he allowed you'? You're not bound by his permission," Jinyoung pointed out.

Jungkook's smile faltered, and he nervously chewed on his lip before answering, "Our relationship is a little complicated."

Aware that his words might have dampened Jungkook's mood, Jinyoung shifted his focus to his lunch, choosing not to delve deeper into the intricacies of Jungkook's situation. Yugyeom followed suit, and the trio continued their lunch in a contemplative silence.

Jungkook, during a late-night digital conversation, openly discussed the types of jobs he would feel comfortable taking on. Expressing his preferences and concerns, he sought guidance from Yugyeom and Jinyoung, who readily promised to assist him in finding a suitable job, offering support in navigating this new aspect of his life.

As the night unfolded, Taehyung made his entrance into the hall. A blazer casually draped over his arm, a blue file in hand, he carried an air of authority. Tonight, dinner with Jungkook was sacrificed for work commitments.

Walking past the seated Grey, who reclined on the sofa with closed eyes, Taehyung reached the stairs. Pausing, he turned back to address Grey with a simple utterance of his name.

"Yes, boss," Grey, ever the loyal guard, promptly stood, ready to attend to Taehyung's needs.

However, Taehyung had different plans. Stopping Grey before he could inquire further, Taehyung instructed, "Go meet her," emphasising the importance of Grey spending time with someone significant.

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