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No one's Pov:

The rainforest is quiet yet still this morning it is peaceful and calming especially when your stressed.But one young navi girl takes this time to explore and wonder just to hear these beautiful sounds it is like a sound that will never annoy her or upset her in any shape or form it brings her peace.

The girl walks to the shore of a small beach to collect this morning breakfast"ah I see your up early again zu"the girls soft expression turns into a joyful smile as she turns to her older brother"boly..."she says softly making the boy smile before hugging her close.the two had a bond like no other they may fight and argue sometimes but their bond made up for their fall outs"mom is so pissed"Bolin says messing up the girls hair"ugh.."the girl sighs out knowing she isn't allowed to fish on the beach.


They both laughed as they walked back to their home with the food they collected but once they arrived they were met with a angry aura coming from their mother who was angrily cutting meat"what have I told you about fish on the beach".Azula's ears flatten at the coldness of her mother's voice"ma'am....I.. could not find any more fish of value at the river we are running out of areas to find sea food so I thought-" the girl flinches in fear as her mother's hiss echos through the Forest"what are the rules.....SAY THEM!"The two sighed before sitting in front of her with their heads low.

"Rule one?.." she asked.
"Never leave the rainforest completely"Bolin says quietly
"Rule two..."she goes on.
"Never speak to other beings that may resemble us.."Azula says softly
"And rule number three..."she says cooking the meat
"Never hunt outside the forest or sea"the two replied earning a approved nod from their mother.Azula ran off quickly to call her direhorse and hopping on quickly to ride him through the Forest.


As she rested on the cliff she stared off into the forest across from hers"what do u think is there....?"she asked noticing Bolin behind a tree.he laughs before resting next to her"maybe...others like us....or they could be says anything"he says with curiosity"do u think...we would be friends with the creatures over there?..."She asked.Bolin rubs her head before sighing"who knows....maybe we'll get to meet someone new someday.."he says before drifting off to sleep with Azula right behind him.

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