😈Let the games begin😈

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Bolin's POV:

I sat on the floor as kiri did my hair in a pretty style"so...you and Neteyem  not speaking anymore?" She asked while adding hair accessories to finish the look"your brother confuses me...so I avoid him"I say quickly not wanting to hold the subject.Kiri understands and drops the whole conversation before hearing footsteps approaching"hey...can I speak with Bolin..."my ears flatten at the familiar voice but I shrug it off and bid Kiri farewell as he entered.my gaze follows him cautiously as he sits in front of me with frustration.

I turn to face him and stare him in the eyes"talking  requires....for one to speak"i say coldly as he sat straight and faced me"Bolin...the way i treated you...was wrong"he says with sadness in his voice my ears flatten even more as i scoot a bit closer to him"Teyem...."i whisper while  keeping a nice distance. He turns his face closer to mine and holds my hands tightly"I never meant to...hurt you"He said with his voice sounding even sadder then before I look into his eyes with pity before feeling his hands hold my waist causing me to yelp in surprise.

I turn my gaze to him quickly"Neteyem....you..YOU!"I shout before pulling away and standing with frustration"Bolin i-...I'm sorry"I hissed at him softly before walking out to catch some air. I sat on the shore and listened to the waves before noticing a tail touching my foot ever so lightly. I open my eyes to see Aoung sitting in front of me dripping with water"Bol....listen"I hissed quickly before running away"BOLIN!"was all I heard as I ran to do my chore in peace.


I sat on a rock within the reef and finished the loin cloths I was working on. My ears perk up when I feel a familiar hand on my ankle and then a face"Do you enjoy watching me?"i say gently while looking down at him as he rose up and rested between my legs softly"i love.... watching you from a distance... because then I can admire your....beauty"He said while smirking causing me to squeak softly before I hid my face from embarrassment"I finished It!". I shoved the cloth into his face and quickly ran back to my merui to jump into my bed.

Roxtos POV:

I stare at the cloth while noticing the glare of Aoung and His little buddy. I turn my head to them and smirk before signing to Aoung"keep glaring and I might be the one giving him....new...scars" I grin brightly before swimming away quickly and resting on a rock"he wants to play....then lets play".

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