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No ones POV:

Lo'ak And Azula laid on the back of Paykton as he moved slowly in the water"ya think a true loves kiss will wake em?" Lo'ak says trying to brighten the mood.Azula laughed softly while rubbing paykton"If it was that easy i would force Aoung neteyam and Roxto to kiss em...."Azula wishpered with a sadden tone Lo'ak sat up slowly and tilted his head at a something in the distance coming closer"whats that?..."Lo'ak says while standing up quickly.Azula gets up and looks in the same direction and her ears flatten once figuring out the Object"We must go now!"Azula yells while tapping payktons back rapidly Lo'ak dives in signaling paykton to follow him quickly as the Object came closer the two paniced as Paykton began to swim away.

Lo'ak peeks up and sees exactly what it is"..A ship.....what the-AZULA WATCH OUT!!"~Lo'ak shouts as Azula lifts her head from payktons fin only to dive back under dodging the huge tracker"WHAT IS THAT?!"Azula yells with fear in her voice Lo'ak just signals Payton to dive quickly so he doesn't get caught.As they dive the boat above speeds up rapidly releasing submarine like suits with men in them Lo'ak goes up with Azula quickly to catch air in a airpocket"what are those things-I want my brother!" Azula begins to sob a bit while shaking with pure fear Lo'ak holds her shoulders tightly"Look I get your scared but crying ain't gonna help u we gotta go NOW-AZULA!!"as Lo'ak spoke Azula is yanked from the air pocket and pulled to the boat Lo'ak curses in his head as he Quickly swims back to the reef.Azula squirms and shakes as she's thrown into the ship roughly coughing up water"Well this isn't what we were looking for...but look at your features...you dont look normal" A man said scanining her Azula glared not understanding a word he said whatsoever."Little miss mix" a familer voice came out before bending down to her level"once again...your in my grasps...kid..." Azula spits in his face and hisses so loud it comes out as a roar the men behind him back up only a little while miles chuckles before gripping her braid and pulling out a blade"Keep it up you farel...mixed breed....and you'll never connect to your god again" miles shoves her into one of his men's arms" we need more bait then her......keep moving forward and put her with the boy" Miles says to his men before leaving.Azula is knocked unconscious before she could hiss another word and gets dragged to a room.


Once Lo'ak got on shore he immediately went to the others in a panic"Teyem...look bro I need a solid favor they took Azula i-"Lo'ak was cut off as Neteyem stood in shock"Who took Azula-What happened!?"Neteyem in a low yell pull Lo'ak back to the shore quickly"We were with Payton and this boat appeared and chased us and then took Azula idk why but I couldn't stay I needed help!" Neteyem calls for his ilu and sighs deeply"We need to save her immediately dose dad know?"Lo'ak looks away fidging a bit."Dad doesn't Know?!"Neteyem yells a bit making Lo'ak rub his nose in frustration"Look Just D-" "where's Azula?" Aoung approachs them quickly with concern. Lo'ak rolls his eyes"nothing fish lips go away"Lo'ak hissed Aoungs eye twitches as he grips Lo'ak up"Look here freak I'm getting impatient with you!"the two hiss at each other loudly"Boys relax please!"Neteyem attempts to calm them down but to no avail"Four fingers!" "Bottom FEEDER!!?" The two grew louder begining to catch the attention of others in the village and before anyone could say anything a loud WHAP was heard and Aoung was holding his nose once again".. YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!" "Make me Punk!" Aoung tackled Lo'ak to the ground as a crowd began to form."Guys this is childish Stop!" Neteyem yells again not wanting to step in."LO'AK" "AOUNG" two loud angry voices erupt from the crowd making everyone step aside to reveal jake ad Tonnawri the two boys stood straight as their fathers approached"You...Again?"Jake says in a low hiss while gripping Lo'aks neck and pulls him away"Ow dad!!" While Tonnawri grabs his sons braid and follows behind Jake and his son"those..two suck..."Neteyem mumbles before diving and riding his Ilu beyond the reef to find Azula alone.

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